FAQ - bile duct neoplasms
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I am 36 y, f, had my gallbladder removed last Thursday and now having an ERCP as stones escaped to bile duct.?

I am very scared after reading about the risks assocaited with it. Can anyone give me some advice on how to prepare for the surgery and any risks they know of as well as success rate etc. I have 2 small children and the thought of something going wrong is killing me inside out. Any comforting thoughts or information is highly apprecaited. Thanks.
Thanks for the information, Jasmin, much appreciated.

Hi honey,

an ERCP is only a relatively small procedure. You will need to fast beforehand...usually 6 hrs before and 2 hrs before stop clear fluids (water, black tea and black coffee). You will usually be given sedation rather than a full anaesthetic...don't worry you should be blissfully unaware. They will pass a scope down your throat, past the oesophagus, stomach and into the ampulla of the pancreas and gallbladder. They will then put a stent in or trawl for the stones or do a sphincterotomy (a small nick in the ampulla) which lets the stones out. It sounds complicating but it really isn't and the fact that you are obviously pretty healthy and it is not an emergency procedure. The risks associated are bleeding, problems with anaesthetic. But dr's don;t like patients dying on their tables...not good for their rep!
Good luck honey, you got thru the cholecystectomy so this will be a breeze and you'll go home to your children usually a few hours later...usually 4 hrs before you can drink and is a couple of days until you back on normal food. Good luck, best wishes. Hope you feeling better soon.  (+ info)

Anyone been through knowing someone with Bile Duct Cancer?

My father in law was diagnosed a year ago and now he has become very thin, and weak. He is up and walking around but moves much slower. Just the other day, he looked more "tan" than a week ago. He has severe itching due to his liver (obviously) My question is... what is yet to come besides the obvious. Are these signs giving us any current information? Thank you for all your answers

My mother died (in '77) because her liver quit working. His color change is because the liver isn't working properly. It's called jaundice, all most like a carrot color. The liver cleans the blood and since it's not working properly the blood is getting "dirty" which causes the yellowing of the skin. The sign it's giving you is that the liver function is decreasing. My mother lived for 7 years after she was diagnosed with liver problems, so your father may have a lot more time then you think. If you want somebody to talk to give me your e-mail address and I'll get in touch with you.  (+ info)

Is it common to have stones in your bile duct past gallbladder surgery?

Not too common, not rare either. Hopefully, the surgeon has ligated the common duct where it joins with the pancreatic duct to form the common duct, or there is a risk of the retained stone moving into the common duct, something you don't want to happen!  (+ info)

Why when surgeons put a stent in a bile duct -?

do they insist on taking it out again once the attack is over? Surely it would make sense to leave it there to prevent further attacks?

Stents are placed when there is an obstruction in the bile duct preventing the outflow of bile. Think of the stent as a temporary detour. Typically they're removed after a few weeks or when the problem is resolved.  (+ info)

is it normal to pass black tar like stools after having an ercp to remove stones from my bile duct .....?

i also have acute pancreatitis as a result of the procedure.....

i had the ercp last week in hospital and since being discharged iv still been in a lot of pain, i have now just opened my bowels and my stools where black and tar like with a fowl odour .... is this normal? thanks alot.

It can be normal yes as my son inlaw just had bag taken off as he had most of his pancreatous removed 2 years ago and had two opps 4 months ago to take bag off after bag was taken of as was still bleeding from wound .Anyway when all was well and he came home still had black like tar stools for a week they said it was just the blood that had collected after the opps but then it just became normal again hes had no problems since xx  (+ info)

bile duct of the gol bladder is this cancer?

had a scan on my gol bladder but there is something wrong with my bile duct what is wrong

Why for crying out loud should we be able to determine what is wrong with you without examining you, without having the results of your scan, when apparently your doctor --having all of the above-- cannot or does not want to give you information.
Based on the vague data you provide I could give you some very vague --and sometimes scary information on what might be wrong, but I wont because it has no sense.  (+ info)

what could it mean if your bile duct is enlarged?

i had a scan which showed that but they couldnt see anything just wondered what it could mean

You have not mentioned the reason ( what symptoms ) for going for the scan.A blockage in the tube that carry bile from liver to gallbladder and small intestine,inflammation of bile duct,weakened immune system,gall stones escaping the gall bladder and entering the bile duct and there can be so many possibilities.Your doctor knows the details and will be able to narrow down to the possible reasons and by conducting relevant tests can pin point the cause and treat it.  (+ info)

what are the risks of bile duct?

what risks and treatment are involved with bile duct

Bile duct cancer (cholangiocarcinoma)

Here are some of the features that will be discussed as you surf this site for information. I hope it helps you. Following captions are :
Bile duct cancer
Causes and risk factors
Signs and symptoms
How it is diagnosed
Staging and grading
Treatment overview
Stent insertion
Other treatments
Clinical trials
Your feelings
Bile duct cancer
Cancers of the bile duct are rare in the Western world. There are approximately 600 people diagnosed with cholangiocarcinomas each year in the UK.

The bile ducts are the tubes connecting the liver and gall bladder to the small intestine (small bowel). Bile is a fluid made by the liver and stored in the gall bladder. Its main function is to break down fats during their digestion in the small bowel. In people who have had their gall bladder removed, bile flows directly into the small intestine. The bile ducts and gall bladder are known as the biliary system.

Diagram showing the position of the bile duct

Cancer is classified according to the type of cell from which it starts. Cancer of the biliary system almost always starts in a type of tissue called glandular tissue and is then known as adenocarcinoma.

If the cancer starts in the part of the bile ducts contained within the liver it is known as intra-hepatic. If it starts in the area of the bile ducts outside the liver it is known as extra-hepatic. This information concentrates mainly on extra-hepatic bile duct cancers. Intra-hepatic bile duct cancers may be treated like primary liver cancer.

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Causes and risk factors
The cause of most bile duct cancers is unknown. There are a number of risk factors that can increase your risk of developing bile duct cancer. These are:

Inflammatory bowel disease People who have a chronic inflammatory bowel condition, known as ulcerative colitis, are at an increased risk of developing this type of cancer.

Abnormal bile ducts People who are born with (congenital) abnormalities of the bile ducts, such as choledochal cysts, are more at risk of developing cholangiocarcinoma.

Infection In Africa and Asia, infection with a parasite known as the liver fluke is thought to cause a large number of bile duct cancers.

Bile duct cancer, like other cancers, is not infectious and cannot be passed on to other people.
Please go to this site and read the rest of the info there, you will find in quite informative as I did.
I wish you all the best and I hope this info has helped you in some way.

http://www.cancerbackup.org.uk/Cancertype/Bileduct/Bileductcancer  (+ info)

(bile duct ) what sort of opp is it?

i have a bile duct in the gol bladder and need a opp what sort of opp is it

gall bladder surgery may not be very traumatic at all if it can be done via a laproscope.  (+ info)

hi can anyone tell me what causes a dilated gall bladder bile duct i,m really scared?

Google it but the most common cause is gallstones and as a gallstone sufferer it is a pain you will never forget, if this is the problem you can have the gallbladder removed or like I have done for the past 30 years is watch my diet, no spicy or fried foods and be careful with the dairy products and red meat..  (+ info)

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