Deviated septum with nose plastic surgery. Is it possible to do these two things together?
I have deviated septum and I'm going to have surgery for it, because I can't breath through nose quite long. So, straight to question. I have big, wide, long nose with hump and I want to do plastic surgery with that (I want smaller, shorter, not wide nose without hump). So, if I ask doctor to do me not only deviated septum but also plastic surgery will it be more dangerous surgery? Will it be longer convalescence period? Please answer, I really wanna know.
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Deviated septum with nose plastic surgery. Is it possible to do these two things together?
I have deviated septum and I'm going to have surgery for it, because I can't breath through nose quite long. So, straight to question. I have big, wide, long nose with hump and I want to do plastic surgery with that (I want smaller, shorter, not wide nose without hump). So, if I ask doctor to do me not only deviated septum but also plastic surgery will it be more dangerous surgery? Will it be longer convalescence period? Please answer, I really wanna know.
YES. It is. (
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