FAQ - dyslexia
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What is the differnce between Dyslexia and irlen syndrome?

Are they simular?

It has long been thought that Irlen Syndrome is a form of dyslexia. Recent studies, however have clearly demonstrated that it is something different from dyslexia. Proof of that, some of my Irlen Syndrome clients are excellent readers. However, when I listen closely, even those good readers have a "choppiness" to their reading. I believe that is caused by the fact that after a reading for a while, the neurological effects of the syndrome narrows the useful span of recognition (you see less of the letters of the word you are reading) causing the person to have to "hunt for" the next part of the word and often lose their place.

In my view, dyslexia mostly corresponds to a difficulty in processing symbols and sounds into meaning; Irlen syndrome is about difficulty processing any complex visual stimulus where some light frequencies and visual patterns provoke an hyper-excitability of the visual processing area of the cortex. This, in turn, causes visual perceptual distortions to occur, depriving the brain of its optimal efficiency.  (+ info)

How do i get tested for dyslexia?

I've never been great at spelling, but i have noticed that it seems to be deteriating recently and also i keep getting my words mixed up.

i think its more of a problem ur born with than one that comes on later, i'd recommend u see ur doctor and he can advise u better. u can do a free test on a web site called dore.co.uk not sure if its any good but i suppose its worth a shot  (+ info)

I Think My Daughter Has Numerical Dyslexia, Does Anybody Know The Symptoms And If There is A Cure?

I Think My Daughter Has numerical dyslexia. Shes 12 Years Old And She Still Finds it Extremely Hard To Add Up Simple Sums Like 15 and 15! She Finds It Hard To Remember Number Sequences and Things she learnt In School. She's really intelligent Where Things like Art And English Are Concerned, But Scene As Shes So Good At Writing, When it Comes To Numbers She even writes Them backwards! I'm Dyslexic and so is my son and we both have ADHD too accompanied by it. Does anybody know whether its worth a test because the tests are a lot of money. And Also What are the actual symptoms and is there some sort of cure of something to keep it under wraps, because sometimes she comes home upset not being able to do the things that other children can and she says that she's so embarassed when teachers ask her questions out loud that she just simply cant do, Please can somebody help? Im quite worried!

Dyslexia invovles reading specifically, so there's no such thing as "numerical dyslexia." There is, however, a specific learning disability called dyscalculia that people often describe as "numerical dyslexia" because it's similar to dyslexia except that it effects arithmetic rather than reading and writing. Dyscalculia is definitely a very real learning disability. In addition to occuring as a developmental learning disability appearing in childhood, dyscalculia can be caused by injury to a specific region of the brain at any age (as can dyslexia), so no matter how many people try to claim it's just an excuse for not trying hard enough, it really does exist.

I think it's definitely worth having your daughter tested. Just as there are various modifications to improve accademic success for dyslexic students, there are similar modifications that can be made to accomidate dyscalculia. It would also help her self esteem a lot of she had a concrete reason to point to for why she has trouble with math. I know that for me it made a big difference to know that the reason that I couldn't read or spell as well as other kids my age was that I was dyslexic, rather than that I simply wasn't smart enough.

Also, talk to your daughter's teacher. If she's struggling with the class despite her best efforts, then at the very least he should stop asking her to solve problems in front of the class when she doesn't volunteer to do it. Once you have documention that she has a learning disability, then the school will have to make some accomidation for that, but in the mean time her teacher may still be willing to help.

Dyscalculia is similar to dyslexia in many ways. Dyslexia can impact math as well as reading and writing, in a lot of the same ways that dyscalculia does. My guess is that they probably involve similar abnormalities that may overlap quite a bit. There's definitely a strong genetic component to dyslexia, but it's not as simple as if you get the gene you have it, and if you don't then you don't. The brain is a complicated thing, and there are lots of factors besides genetics that influence it's development, and even at the genetic level, there are lots of different genes that interact with each other in all kinds of ways. Dyslexia isn't an all or nothing thing - there are lots of different symptoms, and people rarely have all of them. There's a wide range in severity, and in which particular symptoms occur. So it's quite possible that your daughter inhereted the same "dyslexia gene" that "caused" your and your son's dyslexia, but because of her other genes, the physiological conditions in your uterus while she was there, and her environment for the past 12 years, it ended up effecting math but not reading or writing. So the point is that I think that the family history of dyslexia probably makes dyscalculia a lot more likely.  (+ info)

Does someone close to you have dyslexia or adhd/add, how do they act?

I'm writing a story(of course,and it's still the same story from all my other questions about stories) and I really want to get into character. Can some of you please describe some of the characteristics of people you know with dyslexia or add. How do they tend to act around different situations or anything else you can tell. Thnx!

I can't tell you much about ADHD, but I have dyslexia. I wouldn't say that I really act any different than anyone else, but I often have to read things more than once... and more slowly than others. When I write things down I sometimes get them wrong... especially phone numbers. If I'm writing down a number and it's important to get it right, I will sometimes have someone check that I've written down the correct number.

Hope this helps... good luck with your story!  (+ info)

Is it possible to have both dyslexia and ADD?

Anyone know if it's possibe to have both dyslexia and ADD?

It most certainly is possible. Many people who have one, have the other. You need to have a professional evaluate you (or whoever you are referring to) because sometimes people who have dyslexia can display traits of ADD, but not actually have it, and vice versa. It's not the end of the world either since there are many resources out there to help those with either disorder to succeed in life.  (+ info)

I checked into symptoms of dyslexia today and I have quite a few of them, what do I do now?

I'm 17 and I'm going into my senior year of high school. I have gotten horrible grades since 5th grade and have attributed not being able to pay attention or not being able to take directions to depression or anxiety. How do I get evaluated further?

dont self diagnose
go to a doctor and let the professionals tell you if your dyslexic or something else  (+ info)

Is there such a thing as keyboard dyslexia?

I can write well enough but im a nightmare on a keyboard,when i look up and see what ive written i get most of the letters the wrong way round and have to spend as long fixing it, maybe its just me lol or does anyone else have the same problem?

I call it the typo fairy. :)
If you keep practicing and study I guess you could , your keyboard, you'll get better at knowing where the keys are and so you'll make less of a mistake. I used to be like that at first, was really bad at typing but I have gotten better and now I can type extremely quickly and if I have a mistake, it is a small one.
Download Mozilla Firefox, it has a cool thing where if it is misspelled, you right click and it gives you the correct spelling. it can save time.  (+ info)

Since i have a learning disability called dyslexia so what can help me to concentrate better?

what products from a nutrition food shop can help me concentrate better cause for one when i try to read or whatever i tend to space out and cant seem to concentrate and process most info correctly.

check your local library they have different books that can give you ideas. thats what i did for my son that is bipolar and has ADHD. you can find some good ideas. also try looking for a local support group. because people experiencing the same things can really help.  (+ info)

What are the most important things to know about dyslexia?

Yes, first and foremost, I agree with the previous answer: it has nothing to do with intelligence.

Also you may consider:
That it often hinders learning in the normal way.
The sooner you can have it diagnosed in a child, the better.
The child needs to be in the care of educators who have learned special educational devices and techniques to help them deal with it.
That it can be very discouraging to the person who has it so they are going to need a lot of support.
That people with dyslexia can lead normal, productive lives . . . and they can learn anything with the right tools.
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What disorder is similar to dyslexia?

My friend has a learning disorder that is certainly not dyslexia but looks like it. He can comprehend written material very well but misreads words although he knows what the word intends. He has well developed thoughts and ideas, but cannot put them on paper and misspells words. He said he had teachers in high school who believed he had dyslexia, but they were wrong. He doesn't confuse letters or have trouble pronouncing words and loves reading.

Any ideas? I can't find anything on the internet.

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