Can a sebaceous cyst be removed above someone’s’ eyebrow?
About 18 months ago I had a sebaceous cyst removed just on my solar plexus, however, I have something that feels like a sebaceous cyst above my eyebrow. However, with the sebaceous cyst on my chest, I had it surgically removed with a local anaesthetic. My question is; can I have one removed if it develops above my eyebrow?
You can certainly have it removed - you may well be able to have it removed under local anaesthetic - go, see your doc before the little critter gets a big critter|! (
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How can i tell if my ovarian cyst is twisted?
I have an ovarian cyst and my doctor said it should go away on its own. He also said that I need to make sure it doesn't get twisted though. What are the symptoms of a twisted cyst?
I had that. Symptom is INCREDIBLE PAIN!!! Trust me, you'll know. If you feel severe cramping, then it's twisted and you need to go to the emergency room immediately. (
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Can a cyst give a false positive in a pregnanct test?
I was told that i have a cyst on my ovary. Now i have had the symptoms of being pregnant and im not sure if i am. I have taken 4 tests and all positive. Now however on the clearblue instructions it says that ovarian cysts can give missleading results. Is this true or what? Am i pregnant or what?
I'm kind of having the same issue as you are. 2 months ago my dr told me that I have an ovarian cyst, and to make a follow up appointment in a few months.
I'm having pregnancy symptoms, and I'm about a week late, BUT my tests are reading negative. So I don't know if I'm pregnant, or if it is just the ovarian cyst. I'm trying to get a hold of my dr now to set up an appointment to figure out what is going on.
I hope you get some answers soon too! (
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How soon after a urethral cyst removal surgery are you able to have sex again?
I had a sub-urethral cyst surgically removed on Feb. 8th--i have those dissolving stitches..I know i need to ask the doctor because everyone is different, but what is the typical waiting period to be able to have sex again?
Anywhere, depending on the Doctor and your body, from 2 weeks to 6 weeks.
I would check with the Doctor, but I bet he say's since it's been 10 days to resume intercourse when you feel comfortable.
EDIT: Your stitches will disolve anytime from a few days post-op up to 2 weeks. (
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What is a bruise colored cyst on the back of the left ear mean?
I have a jelly like,bruise colored, cyst on the back of my left ear;do I have an infection or what?
is it near or a over a piercing hole? i had one of those last year and i had it for like a month but then i popped it with and earing and it went away. its it hurts too much to do that i suggest u try getting a sterile needle and numbing the area and then popping it. trust me its worth just getting that over with than spending money for a doctors appointment u dont really need. it is a type of infection but once u pop the bump itll be gone. (
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How do you remove a cyst located on your hand?
If a cyst is located on your hand, what are the home remedies that can be used to remove it? I've heard of people draining it. Please do not say "go to a Doctor" this is for a coworker, not me. Serious answers only. THanks everyone! Also any website links would be helpful.
depends on how big it is. if its bigger than a few millimeters theres not really any way to get rid of it yourself. but if its pretty small, sterizile a needle, poke it, and squeeze it and it will come right off (
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How long after a Pilo cyst is removed, can you have sexual intercourse?
The cyst is located on the base of the tailbone. My boyfriend had the surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago. We have not had sex since.
Sounds about right. Unless they used the open healing method... then it could be as long as 2 or 3 months. If he has stitches, you should be able to have careful sex about 3 weeks later. Take it easy for a couple of months just to let everything heal properly. (
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How serious is a cyst behind your eyes?
I have a friend that has a cyst behind his eyes. He's been having headaches for a few weeks and finally the ER discovered a cyst on his brain. They've drove him to the closest bigger hospital and is having surgery tomorrow. How serious is this?
they may be able to go in and cut it out and he will be ok, just hope its not cancerous. (
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What are the effects of have a cyst on a testicle, besides cancer?
I am very concerned for my boyfriend who has a cyst on one of his testicles. We don't know for sure if that's what it is, but we looked it up in a medical book and that's what it concluded. The only sypmtoms he has is that one of his testicles is larger than the other, and it hurts worse to be hit in that particlar testicle. What should we do? He really doesn't want to see a doctor.
He needs to see his doctor. Already you expressed enough anxiety about this. The only way to know for sure what is going on and if concern is needed is: SEE HIS DOCTOR.
Other wise you both are gambling, when this is something you should NOT gamble with at all.
It could be something as simple as a cyst w/sperm in it. Easily cared for - or it could be something far more serious ... See? Only his doctor is going to be able to give him the answer he NEEDS - Guessing games are not good and that is all you both are doing now: GUESSING ... (
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How much do a doctor charge to remove a ganglion cyst?
I have a ganglion cyst well at least that what the doctor think it is. They have to put me a sleep because they have to someother stuff with the bone(wrist) that the ganglion cyst is near. How much could i be looking at? Do i have to pay for the general anesthesia?
It was like this since april and it is gettin bigger...and the blood flow isnt normal...i go for surgery in a week or so...How much is the doctor bill going to be?
Yes you do have to pay for the OR the Anesthesia and any other costs that come with it. There are a lot of nerves and vessels in your wrist so it is a fairly complex proceedure. My wife had one and we looked at having it removed and asked my dad a surgeon about it and he told us yes it was major and that back in the old days they would smash them with a bible breakign them up and let the body absorb them.....he was joking around about smashing it for free and we figured well we would have to wait until we could afford for my wife to have a few weeks off from work and it went away on its own so never needed surgery but yes it will be pricey and there is really no way around it. (
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