FAQ - esophageal cyst
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How can i get rid of a ovarian cyst without meds?

I am really try to cut out the junk food and excerise maybe even drink some herbs. I cannot take birth control pills because of my age and i have a clotting problem.
I really want rid of this cyst so that i can try to have one more baby.

I was told to avoid all strachy and sugar food.. treat yourself as if you are diabetic.  (+ info)

Can I start lifting weights while my pilonidal cyst heals?

I had my pilonidal cyst drained about 3 weeks ago, now theres no pain and no lump, its gone but I know its still healing.

Can I start lifting weights again? And what are the chances of re-occurances?

The cyst may be in an area where you might put too much pressure on it. So I would recommend you doing your weight lifting making sure that no physical pressure is put on the location of the cyst until you are really sure it has healed completely. Give it a total of 6 weeks after surgery and then I believe you will be just fine. No reason for making your pilonidal cyst worse.  (+ info)

What is a cyst and how do you get rid of one?

You know that bump that's right by your ankle? I have 2 of those and my mom says I have a cyst. I was wondering what it was and if I would need surgery to get it removed.

Hello! without seeing it of course, it could be a synovial cyst, it is an encased tissue sorrounded by epithelium and if if is not hard or not painfull usually its best left alone, however if it is growing and is disturbing your day to day activities, best to have your family doctor look at it and maybe a referal to an orthopaedic surgeon, they usually deal with that the best
Eileen  (+ info)

How much does it cost to remove a pilonidal cyst?

How much does it cost to surgically remove a pilonidal cyst?
The surgeon has to apply local Anastassia. It can be removed at the doctors office..
Anyone can give me an approximate cost? I do not have insurance.
Thank you very much. God bless!

  (+ info)

How long does it take to have an ovarian cyst reabsorb?

I have a 4.5 cm ovarian cyst that hasn't ruptured. Has anyone any idea of how long this could take to go away? What might happen to me if it ruptures?

here is some helpful information:

http://ezinearticles.com/?Ovarian-Cyst-Symptoms-Or-How-to-Eliminate-Ovarian-Cysts&id=1281809  (+ info)

What does it feel like when an ovarian cyst bursts?

Been having alot of pain and cramping this month. Thought it was due to ovulation but cramping was there for a few days, stopped for a few, and started again. I have been told I have cysts on my ovaries. What does it feel like if a cyst bursts? Also, if you have cysts on your ovaries does that mean you have polycystic ovarian syndrome?

Hi, No, having ovarian cysts doesn't mean that you have PCOS. I'll give you a link to a website that has some good information about ovarian cysts and PCOS. It explains it better than I can.

Good Luck  (+ info)

What's the difference between a pilonidal cyst and a sebaceous cyst?

I had a pilonidal cyst on my tailbone and a sebaceous cyst on my private area. Both were quite painful! How do docs make the distinciton between the two? It seems like both are caused by roughly the same thing, so what is the difference?

"Schwinn" already gave you a pretty good explanation. A pilonidal cyst often but not always develops in the sacral region of the skin. The sacrum is the large, triangular bone that makes up the back of your pelvis. Pilonidal cysts sometimes appear at birth as a depression or a hairy dimple. Usually this type of cyst causes no problems but sometimes a sinus or fistula develops in early adulthood. The sinus or fistula may communicate with the skin and result in infection. A fistula may also develop to the spinal tract.

Sebum is the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin and is composed of keratin, fat and cellular debris. Sebaceous cyst is the same as an epidermoid cyst. It's benign and is in the skin (epidermis). It contains a cheesy material composed of sebum and epithelial debris.

They can usually be distinguished by location and appearance.  (+ info)

what is the difference between a cyst and a swollen lymph node?

I have a non-painful lump in my inner thigh. How can I tell if it`s a cyst vs. a swollen lymph node? Especially since I also have a swollen node near my collar bone. Feels about the same shape. I am also not sick at all. How can I tell if it`s just a cyst or if it`s a lymph node?

a cyst is a little pocket which tends to collect infection and when it become inflamed will become painful. a lymp node is part of the lymphatic system which carries interstitial fluid and can become swollen when there's a problem or illness (i.e. infiltration by a foreign antigen.)  (+ info)

What would cause for a ovarian cyst to grow rapidly?

Just had an ovarian cyst and my left ovary removed in Oct 09. It was about 9cm big. I was cleared by the doctor and everything on the right ovary was fine. What would cause another ovarian cyst to grow within two months to 6cm on the right ovary.

most probably hormones - check in "Ovarian Cysts"- see below  (+ info)

What is a pericardial cyst and how is it treated?

Recently the Dr. discovered a mass in my 25 year old husband's chest. It was found by accident during a pre-op work up for minor sinus surgery. A cat scan revealed that is is a cystic (fluid filled) mass near the middle of his chest. They do not believe it's cancer at this time, but cannot rule it out either and have mentioned a possible pericardial cyst. I know that it means a cyst in the sac around the heart, but not much else. Also, they said that pericardial cyst that are congenital are often harmless, however my husband had a chest xray last year and it was clear, so they believe the cyst might be 'acquired' and that this means a highler likely hood of something serious. Any information would be great!

The heart is surrounded by two continuous layers of fibrous tissue called the pericardium. A pericardial cyst is a fluid-filled mass within the outer layer of the pericardium.

Pericardial cysts are benign (non-malignant). As in your husband's case, most of them are discovered incidentally (while looking for something else) on chest X-ray or other imaging of the chest area. Most are entirely symptomless, but in around a third of cases, the patient can develop symptoms - typically, chest pain, shortness of breath or coughing.

The diagnosis is usually confirmed with a CT scan (with contrast) of the region. Treatment options include observation (with serial followups), drainage via the skin, or surgical excision. Which route is followed will depend on the cyst itself and on the patient's general state of health.

There are obviously other options for a fluid-filled collection in this region, but most of the confusion can be cleared up with good imaging (e.g. the CT scan above). If I were you, I'd try to wait for further imaging results to come back, and not worry too much (much easier said than done, I know!).

Hope this helps. If you want a more detailed version, I've found this case study on the net: http://www.ctsnet.org/sections/clinicalresources/clinicalcases/article-16.html  (+ info)

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