FAQ - ethmoid sinusitis
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Can you get left side neck pain with ethmoid sinusitis?

The problem with sinusitis is it can pinch the nerve. If this is the case you could get pain anywhere.  (+ info)

When I pinch my ethmoid sinus my eyes get REALLY ITCHY?

What is wrong with me? I have many symptoms of Sinusitis?

  (+ info)

How can I prevent sinusitis while still bodysurfing daily?

I hit the beach everyday, and lately I've been experiencing symptoms of sinusitis (tenderness around sinus cavities and yellow nasal discharge). Needless to say, I get a lot of ocean water up my nose. The surf is getting hairy out here and I get knocked around a lot. I really want to keep it up, but I don't see how I can prevent sinusitis and still bodysurf short of wearing nose plugs. Does anyone else have a better idea?

Sinus rinses with saline. You can buy the stuff already made, and it is sterile. When you shower, use it in your nasal passages to irrigate out all the junk. It should help to prevent sinus infections.  (+ info)

What is the difference between chronic sinusitis and chronic rhinitis?

I have chronic rhinitis but it is hard to tell if I have sinusitis.

Rhinitis is perhaps a symptom of sinusitis. It is typically evinced as a clear fluid that comes out of the nose. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal cavities and sinus cause from infection or allergies.  (+ info)

What can you do to improve or relieve symptoms of Sinusitis?

What are some drugstore medicines or things to buy.. and also home remedies to relieve chronic Sinusitis?

And could this be caused by too much Dust?

Please let me know anything to help inflamed nasal passages like medicines or home remedies (i would really prefer) that relieves symptoms of Sinusitis and makes it difficult to breathe through the nose.

Sinusitis is a condition in which the sinus cavities around your eyes and nose are infected,producing pressure, pain and gobs of yellow or green mucus.

Get all steamed up. Humidity is the key to keeping the cilia working, the mucus flowing, and the sinuses drained. Twice a day, stand in a shower hot enough to fog up the mirror. Or lean over a pan full of steaming water with a towel drapped over your head, creating a steam tent. Inhale the vapors as they waft up toward your nostrils.

Get a snootful at work. If stuffiness hits during the day when youre at work or on the run, get a cup of hot coffee,tea, or soup, cup your hands over the top of the mug,and sniff. It wont work as well as a steam bath, but it will provide some relief.

Drink to your hearts content. Drinking extra liquids-both hot and cold- throughout the day, thins out the mucus and keeps it flowing. Sipping hot teas made with herbs such as fenugreek,fennel,anise,or asge may help ,move mucus even more.

Use nasal sprays sparingly. Nose drops are fine to use in a pinch, but frequent use could actual;ly prolong the condition or even make it worse.Its what the specialists cal the rebound effect.
What happens is that, initially,the sprays shrink your nasal linings. But then the mucosa reacts by swelling even more than before, creating a vicious cycle of use. IT can take weeks for the swelling to finally subside after your stop using the sprays

Hope I helped  (+ info)

Does anyone know of homeopathic remedies for sinusitis?

I have chronic sinusitis. Currently I am on an anti-histamine, a saline nose spray and an antibiotic creme. This isn't going so well as my doctor has prescribed the maximum dosage and I still have trouble breathing. I can't even double up my meds on days when it's worse than normal because I'm already taking too much.

I was wondering if anyone knew of any home remedies (besides flushing my sinuses) that might help.

The symptoms of my sinusitis are blocked and draining sinuses. Also sometimes my nose will start to bleed due to the fact that I am trying so hard to clear my sinuses (which is the reason for the antibiotic creme)

If anyone has any ideas that I might be able to take to my doctor (to check if it will react to my current medication) I thank you very very much for your help and consideration.

If we offered you a miracle remedy that prevents and cures "Sinusitis" would you buy it? Certainly you would. You won’t find it in a Pharmacy but at the Grocery Store.

Try the Natural Cures for Sinusitis.

Sinusitis refers to an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the paranasal sinuses. If often follows the common cold, influenza and other general infections. Germs which are usually eliminated from body sometimes find their way into these sinuses or chambers on either side of the nasal passage, leading to sinus trouble.

The sinuses consist of cavities or chambers contained in the bones situated in the head and face region. The frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, and sphenoid sinuses are the paranasal sinuses which communicate with the nose. The frontal sinuses lie on the frontal bone directly above the eyes. The maxillary sinuses are located one on each side of the nose under the cheekbone. The ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses are situated behind the nose or either side of it. These air sinuses lighten the weight of the skull and give resonance to the voice.

Symptoms: The symptoms of sinusitis are excessive or constant sneezing, a running nose, blockage of one or both nostrils, headaches and pressure around the head, eyes, and face. Sinus headaches are usually felt in the forehead and in the face just below the eyes. The patient may suffer from a low-grade fever, lack of appetite, loss of sense of appetite, and toothache. He feels miserable because of difficulty in breathing. The voice is also affected because of the blocked nose.

Causes: Sinusitis results from the congestion of the sinus passages due to catarrh. It is caused by over-secretion of mucus in the membranes lining the nose, throat, and head. This over-secretion is due to irritation caused by toxins in the blood.

A faulty diet is thus the real cause of sinus trouble. When a person consumes certain types of foods or drinks regularly, these, in due course, have a conditioning effect on the entire system. As a result, some persons become more sensitive to certain allergens, whose reaction ultimately turns into sinusitis.

The Cure: Correcting the faulty diet is of utmost importance in the treatment of sinusitis. Patients should take a balanced diet. Most persons with sinus trouble also suffer from acidity. Their diet should, therefore, veer to the alkaline side. The intake of salt should be reduced to the minimum as salt leads to accumulation of water in the tissues and expels calcium from the body.

In the acute stage of the disease, when fever is present, the patient should abstain from all solid foods and only drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices diluted with water on a 50:50 basis. After fever subsides, he may adopt a low-calorie raw fruit and vegetable diet with plenty of raw juices. After the acute symptoms are over, the patient may gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of three basic food groups, namely seeds, nuts and grains; vegetables and fruits. In persistent chronic conditions, repeated short juice fasts may be undertaken for a week or so at intervals of two months.

Those suffering from sinusitis should completely avoid fried and starchy foods, white sugar, white flour, rice, macaroni products, pies, cakes, and candies. They should also avoid strong spices, meat and products. Butter and ghee should be used sparingly. Honey should be used for sweetening. All cooked foods should be freshly prepared for each meal. Vegetables should be taken in liberal quantities. All kinds of fruits can be taken with the exception of those belonging to citrus group such as lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit. Milk should be taken in liberal quantities as it contains calcium which has a marked effect in overcoming inflammation of the tissues. A diet rich in vitamin A is the best insurance against cold and sinus trouble. Vitamin A is the "membrane conditioner" as it helps build healthy mucus membranes in the head and throat. Some of the valuable sources of this vitamin are whole milk, curds, egg yolk, pumpkin, carrot, leafy vegetables, tomato, oranges, mango, and papaya.

When the sinus trouble has already developed, relief can be obtained by taking vitamin A in large therapeutic doses of 25,000 I.U. per day. Vitamin C has also proved beneficial in the treatment of sinusitis and the patient should take one gram of this vitamin per day in two therapeutic doses of 500 mg. each.

One of the most effective remedies for sinus problems is to eat pungent herbs like garlic and onion which tend to break up mucous congestion all through the respiratory tract. One should begin with small mild doses and increase them gradually. Beneficial results can also be achieved by adding these herbs in moderate amounts to regular meals.

Carrot juice used separately or in combination with juices of beet and cucumber or with spinach juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of sinus trouble. 100 mL each of beet and cucumber juice or 200 mL of spinach juice should be mixed with 300 mL of carrot juice in these combinations.

Water Treatment: Cold application over the sinus will give great relief; alternate hot and cold applications will also prove beneficial. Take pans of hot and cold water, bathe the whole face with hot water-as hot as you can bear-and then apply cold water for short duration. Nasal inhalation of steam for five minutes every hour will also give relief.

Yogasanas such as viparitkarani, bhujangasana, yogamudra and shavasana, yogic kriyas, such as jalneti and sutraneti and pranayamas like anuloma-viloa and suryabhedan will be beneficial in the treatment of sinus trouble.

Plenty of sleep, adequate rest and fresh air are essential in the treatment of sinus trouble. Patients should avoid the use of perfumes and strongly scented hair oil.

Hope this helps, Good Luck.  (+ info)

What are the causes of recurring sinusitis?

I get sinusitis on average at least once a year, and have done for the past 4 years or so.

Is there any reason why I should be more susceptible to it?
Also - I don't have any allergies, and I don't smoke.

Sometimes the passages from the sinuses (there are 6) that drain into the nose are blocked.
An infected tooth can cause problems in the maxillry sinuses. Cystic fibrosis also, but you would have said if you had that.
Do you get many colds? they are the most common cause of sinusitis.
Apart from there being some source of sepsis ie from your nose or a tooth for which decongestants, steam, analgesics and in stubborn attacks antibiotics help there isn't much more that can be done.
If really troublesome, persistent and debilitating referral to an ENT surgeon might be an idea. He would use a little tube with a light on the end to look inside the sinuses and remove any debris to improve drainage.  (+ info)

What is the best natural cure for sinusitis?

I suffer from chronic sinusitis and after 6 years of doctors and E.N.T's im sick of medicine so im attempting to treat/soothe the problem naturally if possible. any suggestions are welcome.

Sinusitis is treated with medications and home treatment measures, such as applying moist heat to your face. The goals of treatment for sinusitis are to:

Improve drainage of mucus and reduce swelling in the sinuses.
Relieve pain and pressure.
Clear up any infection.
Prevent the formation of scar tissue, and avoid permanent damage to the tissues lining the nose and sinuses.
Medications may be used to treat sinusitis, especially when it is caused by a bacterial infection. There are varying lengths of treatment with medications—treatment may be as short as three days or last as long as several weeks or more. Medications most often used to treat sinusitis include a combination of:

Antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, which kill bacteria.
Decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine hydrochloride, which reduce the swelling of the mucous membranes in the nose.
Analgesics, such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen, to relieve pain.
Corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone dipropionate or prednisone, which reduce inflammation in the nasal passages. These medications may also be used as an inhaled nasal spray.
Mucolytics, such as guaifenesin, which thin the mucus.
With chronic sinusitis, there is no cure, you're never really free from symptoms and always have a low level of sinusitis symptoms. The best recommendation is an allergy medication such as allegra. Keep humidifiers in you home and air fileres to help redue the risk or recurrences.  (+ info)

Can sinusitis be the cause of a stuffy head?

I live in a dry environment with lots of dust and a high altitude. I suffer from chronic sinusitis (not very bad but still there). My head often feels "stuffy", as if I cannot think properly. Can this be due to the sinusitis?

your nasel passages are blocked try placing a small bowl
saucer on window shelf or under radiator to absorb air borne particles also try an humidifier  (+ info)

Is there a natural alternative to antibiotics to treat sinusitis?

I have occasional bouts with sinusitis and sinus infections from flying and traveling from one climate to another within days. This causes face pain, headaches and dizziness as a result of fullness in the ears. The only option physicians seem to offer is antibiotics (up to fourteen days' worth at a time) and decongestants. I understand though that taking antibiotics too often can wear down the natural immune system. Any alternatives?

I've suffered from sinusitis for as long as I can remember. In fact, I'm experiencing it now.

I have a couple of things to say:

1) Sinusitis is only occasionally caused by bacterial infection. It can also be viral or fungal. Your decision not to continue anti-biotics, especially if they aren't working, is wise. And to whomever said you could DIE by not taking them is a nut job and has no idea what they're talking about.

2) Decongestants can often make sinusitis WORSE. Why? Because they dry out your sinuses which inflames the sinus membranes more, causing them to produce MORE phlegm (only now its thicker because its dry) which cause more pressure, becomes harder to expectorate and can aggravate the problem long term even if they provide short term relief).

3) My FAVORITE thing to use when I have sinus problems is a neti pot. It looks kind of gross, but it works WONDERS. I use it every day when my sinuses act up, and it clears me out and moistens the linings of my sinuses so that they don't hurt, feel dry, etc. Here is a link with some info: http://www.healingdaily.com/exercise/neti-pot.htm

4) Here is the suggested treatment methods from webMD. http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/Sinusitis-Home-Treatment

While I do know someone who has had the surgery, I'd be leary of selecting that option unless you have tried everything else ad nauseum. If your bouts are truly "occasional" as you say, surgery may be overkill. Try the neti pot (or similar practice) and read the webMD page first.

Hope that helps!  (+ info)

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