FAQ - fibroadenoma
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I'm 46 and had a core biopsy for a large breast lump in April. The diagnosis was fibroadenoma.?

Next week I'm having an excisional biopsy since there is still a fairly large lump remaining. What is the false negative rate for core needle biopsies ? Is there a chance that this could be malignant and the biopsy missed it, since it is so large?

Fibroadenoma can be large. Core biopsy/Fine needle aspiration biopsy procedures are standard methods of diagnosing breast lump. Usually the diagnosis of fibroadenoma is easy to make under microscope by pathologist.

Very very rarely within the fibroadenoma invasive cancer is present, especially lobular type. It is so rare i would say don't worry about it.

Fibroadenomas are not pre-cancerous.  (+ info)

testing before outpatient surgery for fibroadenoma?

Im going to be having a simple outpatient surgery to remove a fibroadenoma from my breast. Im supposed to be going to get testing done though before to make sure im healthy i guess? my question is, if i have done coke twice (small amounts) within the past 2 months and smoked weed (very occasionally) within the past 6 months, will they deny me the surgery? Does this show up during testing?

They will not be doing drug screening. If you are to have general anesthesia, they will probably do an EKG (heart testing), CBC (blood count), Chem 7 or 20 (electrolyte test of blood), and urinalysis to make sure your kidneys are working properly. But if you have smoked weed and done coke, please be honest with the anesthesiologist when he comes and interviews you and asks you questions. These drugs and the smoking of anything need can interfer with your anesthesia, so your doctor who puts you to sleep must know. He will only use this information to make sure you are safe during the surgery and for no other reason, so you can tell him, he won't call the law on you. Good Luck And I forgot, they may get a chest X-ray on you too.  (+ info)

I have been diagnosed of a fibroadenoma on my right breast and was advised by the doctor to have it removed?

..since it is considered quite large in size (1.77 x 2.05 x 0.85 cm). The doctor said that it would be better to have it removed as early as now since it may grow larger in the future if just left alone. Is it wise to do so? By the way, I'm still 22.

All answers will be appreciated. Thanks.

It's not cancer!!
Fibroadenomas are the most common BENIGN tumors of the female breast. They develop at any age but are more common in young women, often teenagers, and are mistaken for cancer. They may be excised but frequently recur.
I had a big fibroadenoma cyst removed when I was 18, you could actually feel it and tell that may left breath was bigger. Don't worry, the best thing to do is to remove it so it doesn't bother you or give you any issues in the future, it's not doing anything there!My fibroadenoma was even bigger than yours.
After removing it, keep alert for any other possible cysts that can appear. But do not panic about your fibroadenoma, its more common than you think and feel blessed that its isn't cancer.
P.s: I think what caused mine was my birth control, because it started growing at the same time I started to take it and after removing mine I was feeling a little on growing again, so I stoped taking my birth control and it disappeared. I think it had to many hormones for me.
I hope my answer was helpful!
Good luck =)  (+ info)

a few months ago i went to the hospital to get my right breast checked and the found fibroadenoma ?

they told me i was going to be fine, that it was none cancerous, but i have notice that these lumps have grown and every time i lay on them it's painful. its this normal plz help

Fibroadenomas do not pose an increased risk of cancer, but they may be markers of it. They may be related to excess estrogen, so birth-control pills, dietary animal fat and excess fat on the body might all have some effect on whether they go away on their own or continue to grow.

If you are estrogen dominant, some things you might consider are: reducing your weight, reducing dietary animal fat (especially from sources that put hormones in the feed) and seeking treatment with progesterone. If you are on birth control pills, you may need to change your brand or dosage or get off of them entirely.

Also, there are some nutrients (extracts from broccoli) that are protective against certain forms of estrogen that are associated with health problems. Two of these nutrients are DIM (Diindolylmethane) and indole-3-carbinol.

On a related note: there is increasing evidence that getting adequate Vitamin D from the sun and supplements (2,000 IU/day is recommended on days you don't get midday sun without sunblock) is protective against breast cancer.

I hope the following articles might be of some help.

Good luck!  (+ info)

Has anyone ever had a reoccurent fibroadenoma lump?

i am 26 and i have a second lump after the first one has been removed.the doctor says not to worry.After 2 ultra sounds its another fibroadenoma.But unfortunately for me my life now is hell.i dont sleep or eat well.i live with the fear oneday i may have breast cancer so i may die.can someone help me.my world has changed.i cry everyday and cant sleep.If you have this problem i will love to communicate with you.maybe sharing your own daily experiences will help me

Fibroadenoma is a condition that does reoccur, to my knowledge you are no more likely to develop cancer than the next person but you need to ask your doctor about this.

Tell the doctor your anxieties and I think he/she will put your mind at rest.

If you're suffering emotionally also ask if you can see a counsellor to help you to move on.

You're only young so try to get it cleared up with the Doctor and then enjoy your life.

Good Luck  (+ info)

I have a lump on my breast and it might be fibroadenoma but my lump does not move around what does this mean?

I went today for a breast exam with the dr. and have been referred to a specialist. I see her in a few weeks. But with the research I have been doing with fibroadenoma it says that the mass's are moveable and mine is not. I was just wondering if this means that it is not and is breast cancer. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 39yrs old so this is a very scary situation for me.
that is another weird thing it doesnt hurt...

Go and get it checked. If you have any lumps at all they should move around. Your doc will check things out thoroughly. Better safe than sorry.  (+ info)

should I have a fibroadenoma removed?

recently had two breast biopsies, should I have a fibroadenoma removed to alleviate future problems and confusions?

I have done been a registered mammographer for about 15 years. I would leave a fibroadenoma alone with these "ifs" satisfied:
IF it has been proven with needle/core biopsy to be a fibroadenoma
IF it is not large enough to cause me pain or interfer with my daily life

A fibroadenoma is not malignant. It may grow, it may not. Once you have an open biopsy (aside from cost, surgical risks etc), your mammogram will never look the same. It is very hard to tell the difference on film between an old scar and a cancer. You can safely monitor a proven fibroadenoma and you can always change your mind if it does get too large, etc.  (+ info)

I'm a 16 year teen with a Fibroadenoma condition..should I get it removed?

I went to the doctor and I consider to get it removed. But now I changed my mind because I'm scared. Since I'm still young should I get it removed now, or wait until I get an adult to get it removed.

removed now. better safe then sorry.  (+ info)

stopped breastfed 5months ago.On ultrasound the differentiation between fibroadenoma and galaktocele is unable?

I am wonder to know about the treatment.Is it certainly surgical or can I wait.Can it remove or resolve itself? thanks in advance

  (+ info)

I have fibroadenoma?can i take clarified butter or ghee?can i take full cream milk?

can i eat potatoes nd rice?

Treatments for breast fibroadenomas include a low-fat, high-fiber, vegetarian-type diet; a reduction in caffeine intake; supplementation with evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis), flax oil, or fish oil and vitamins E and C.
Full cream milk would have a high fat content. I would suggest changing to a skimmed milk or a semi-skimmed milk-These would be a better choice.
Clarified butter/Ghee is actually nothing but the fat. The milk solids and water are separated from the butter fat. The fat is then left behind and use to cook with. You would be better using a butter substitute or a very low fat butter.
Rice & potatoes are fine to eat! They are high in fibre and don't contain too much fat.
Good Luck!  (+ info)

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