FAQ - fluoride poisoning
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Fluoride poisoning?!?

I have this special toothpaste that is perscription that contains fluoride in it, idk if its more than regular toothpaste but i need it b/c i have well water and if I only use regular toothpaste and I dont have any fluoride in my water (well tap water) then apparently I will never have enuf fluoride in my system or something.
ANYWAY. I just used my toothpaste and it says all over the bottle (the perscription thingy) DO NOT SWALLOW!!!!! and i always do my best to not swallow any of it...
but the thing is that i think i might have swallowed some by mistake. an hour or so after i used it my lower stomach started to hurt, sorta crampy in a way, and my mouth has been tasting really funny. I looked it up on the web and it said that the symptons of minimal fluoride poisoning were lover gastitional pain? sry if i spelled that wrong and it also said a fever, vomiting, headaches and nausea were symptons as well. i havent had any of these yet but im really worried so please help me!!
sorry, i meant LOWER gastational pain (not lover)
btw im around 13 years old and idk if they'll take me seriously if i call poison control hotline.....
also online, it said there can be "acute poisoning"? anyone know about this?
im just worried that there will be extreme consequences...im ok with having an upset stomach just so long as it doesnt turn into a disease or a terminal illness

im sorry to say im still worried.
wat about this weird taste in my mouth? it's sorta hard to xplain...sorta like soapy-ish...

Thanks so much for the reassurance everyone :)

there's just one problem with some of ur solutions...
if i drink milk, i become sick. im slightly lactose intolerant. its weird...i cant drink plain milk but i can hav ice cream in little amounts and milk in cereal and stuff..
shuld i just take tums?
hate to keep bugging you Danielle L. but where i live, its 1:31 in the morning and im supposed to be asleep uuuumm...2 hours ago....
and my parents wuld prob say "UR NOT POISONED GO TO BED!!!!'
they're not mean, just sleepy :D

the taste is still in my mouth but my tummy is starting 2 feel a little bit better..is that a good sign or is it supposed to get worse b4 it gets better?
thanks so much for the advice everyone - especially Danielle L :]
the stomach pain is completely gone and now it is the next morning and my mouth has less of the weird taste but it is still there...im not gonna call poison control (i stopped freaking out :D) but do u think i shuld mention it to my dentist the next time i see him? he was the one who gave me the perscription for the toothpaste so yeaa....


You should call the poison hotline, see your doctor, or your dentist right away.  (+ info)

Fluoride Poisoning?

My son insists he suffers from this---what are the symptoms, are there any resolutions?

Fluoride is a deadly poison. If you ingest to much it will kill you. You should not drink fluoride water.  (+ info)

How do I get fluoride out of my water?

Is fluoride really that bad for you?
I mean there's sodium fluoride in our toothpaste..
Is the fluoride in tea bad, too?

Fluoride is found in rat poisoning,,so I dunno.

Ordinary Water filters will not remove this toxic muck from your water, you will need to purchase a Reverse Osmosis water filter, Sadly these are more expensive and they will also remove useful nutrients from the water as well as the poisons. Even small amounts of fluoride can be dangerous as they accumulate in the body. Adding this to the water supply is highly suspect as there is no control of dosage vie the public supply and everyone takes varying amounts day by day, If you drink tea, grape juice etc, you are particularly at risk as these also contain fluoride. Whether naturally occuring or scraped from the chimneys of pesticides plants makes little difference, all compounds of fluorine are dangerous to humans and our eco-systems. Water companies and politicians are not doctors and they are not qualified to prescribe this to you without your consent. Dentists tend to believe the nonesense fed to them by the vested interests and know little of toxicology or epidemiology. If you really want to be poisoned quickly by fluoride, i recommend a holiday or two in Iceland where the volcanoes have belched out highly contaminated dust several inches deep and its still erupting. For the latest up to date info on fluorides from around the world visit the Fluoride Action Network Web site.  (+ info)

what to eat in case of a small amount of fluoride swallowing?

i just noticed-- whenever i brush my teeth, and i gargle my mouth, theres always a little bit of toothpaste left after i spit out the water, and i swallow it. the same goes with mouthwash. what kinds of vitamins of food is good to eat to be healthy from fluoride poisoning(and not have any health complications)?

Small doses of flouride as such would not be considered poisonous. But your best bet in a home remedy to counteract some mild poisons are to drink milk. But small amounts of flouride from brushing your teeth are not harmful. You might get an upset stomach in the worst case scenario, but thats about it.  (+ info)

Does a conventional water filter that attaches to a faucet filter out fluoride?

I'm sick and tired of poisoning myself with fluoride, but am worried that a water filter doesn't filter it out. I would hate to have to buy bottled water from now on.

Nope, a conventional on faucet filter won't remove fluoride.

An under-the-sink reverse osmosis filter unit *will* remove fluoride, and would still be cheaper than bottled water.  (+ info)

How many children are injured or die from flouride poisoning each year in the USA?

Fluoride, the active ingredient in many pesticides and rodenticides, is a powerful poison - more acutely poisonous than lead. Because of this, accidental over-ingestion of fluoride can cause serious toxic symptoms.
A 3-year-old Brooklyn boy died of an overdose of fluoride after treatment at a city dental clinic. An autopsy revealed that he died from an overdose of fluoride.

angoradonna - what you quote is from a study done in "1943". It was to "ONLY" determine precisely what amount of fluoride in the water would prevent decay without causing staining.
I did not ask for your personal opinion. angoradonna -you stated "None ... from fluoridated water or toothpaste." YOU WERE WRONG. As far as YOU using fluoride and giving it to your own children, i'm sorry..but don't try and pass it off onto mine.

Critics now include a winner of the Nobel prize in medicine, one of Canada's top dental researchers and 11 unions that represent 7,000 environmental and public health professionals at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. They point to evidence of an elevated risk of fatal bone cancer, to studies linking some fluoridation practices to increased levels of lead in the blood, to the presence of fluorosis, a usually mild condition that damages tooth enamel, in one out of three children.
I asked a question...you answered + you (were and still are wrong). Then you decided to give me your personal opinion, for which I did not ask. So, I gave mine. You are still wrong. Children and adults have died and been harmed by fluoride. Angry people do not like to here the truth. And frankly your the quack...the truth hurts.

Why do you abuse this Answer system with your propoganda? You didn't want an answer, you wanted to spew your pseudo-scientific garbage, and it looks like it failed.

Fluoridated water is safe and it's use is supported by REPUTABLE groups such as the ADA, AMA, WHO, CDC and hundreds of other scientifically SOUND organizations. For a list of these please go to


Most groups that are against this tend to be fringe, self-serving groups who use scare tactics, innuendo, pseudo-science and other despicable techniques. When faced with OVERWHELMING evidence from the scientific world I am sure you whip out the "conspiracy" BS too.

The vast majority of communities and people do not fall for this garbage and thus have a healthy fluoridated water system.

You should be ashamed of yourself for yourself for posted such poorly-documented pap.

I am sure you are probably against the chlorination of water too. Chlorine is poisonous too.....  (+ info)

Is it true that the fluoride in the water is very harmful, making people stupid, & putting holes in their brai

holes in their brain?

It could explain a lot of what is observable if that's true.
What good does it do to have better teeth, if the fluoride has been poisoning 3 generations of people?

Fluoride is deathly toxic. It is a by product of making aluminum, it is considered toxic waste. Hitler scientist wanted a chemical that dumbed down and made people easy to control, they tested many chemicals but fluoride was most effective. I can not believe how insane it is that water is actually in the water supply. I am not a crazy conspiracy theorist but the only conclusion I can come to is that the government wants to dumb down the population, the government has the documents that prove fluoride harms people. Get a high quality water filter to filter that trash out.  (+ info)

Will fluoride in the tap water eventually make people sick?

If an 8oz. glass of water contains a pea size amount of fluoride and our toothpaste tubes warn us that if we were to ingest the paste to immediately contact a poison control center, then why do we still have fluoride in our water?

Makes no sense to me whatsoever to have this rubbish in our water....... it's a neurotoxin, toxic industry waste, and if they had to dispose of it they would have to fork out billions of dollars to legally do so ................ hence the mumbo jumbo scientific hocus pocus studies surfaced back in the 1940's to support their bogus claims that the toxic version of fluoride that they put in our water is good for your bones and teeth......... they're basically laughing all the way to the bank, our cities and councils actually pay for this toxic sludge to "purify" our water !! Proof of the pudding is in the eating though, i wonder whether the President or Prime Minister drinks tap or filtered water?? ......... it's even been shown in scientific studies to actually cause dental caries !!

Fluoride is a protoplasmic mutagenic poison and an enzyme poison in the same class as cyanide, oxalate or azide, which means that it is capable of a very wide variety of harmful effects, even at low doses. The American Clinical Toxicology of Commercial products (5th edition) rates fluoride only slightly less toxic than lead !!

There is little margin before serious effects occur and the human body does not require this type of fluoride for any normal biochemical process.

Adverse effects are documented on kidneys, the immune system, bone, brain, pineal gland, thyroid, reproductive system and gastrointestinal tract.

7 Countries have reversed fluoridization as a result of studies done ....... unfortunately, Australia isn't one of them.

Check out this link:


To ensure you are getting the cleanest possible water you could preserve both yours and your loved one's vitality and health by getting a faucet-mounted water filter such as a Britta filter that uses carbon-filtering to remove fluoride, chlorine ~ a big vitamin E thief, and other nasty sludge. filtered water or distilled water is also another clean sludge free option.

The best way, though, to avoid all the nasty toxic sludge they put in our water supply is to drink only pure spring water ~ if you can afford it that is................... :0)

I sincerely do wish you & yours the very best of health & vitality buddy♥

♥  (+ info)

Is there a bottled water out there that does NOT contain the poison Fluoride?

Before any "sheeple" tell me it's not poison, I urge you to research this for yourself. You will be shocked at what you learn. So if you want to tell me I am wrong and it's not bad for you, move on to a different question. Your brainwashed opinion is not wanted here.

I have a Berkey water filter and a rain barrel. If you can't trust your own government to listen to its own scientists, what makes you think you can trust people who are selling water?

People don't want to do research. It would take time away from their whining and grooming. Perhaps if they looked at pictures of the mottling that their current fluoride/chemical cocktail is causing...

If people don't care that it is poisoning people who can't tolerate it, or that people are being medicated against their will, perhaps they will get upset about their own teeth turning gray and rotting from the inside out!

Naw, on second thought they'd probably just bleach them then get some other medication for the sensitivity and then just get some snazzy new dentures when the time comes. That way they will never have to admit an error and their precious pride won't be hurt! After all, it's better that people get sick and die than to get one's pride hurt.

You would think that someone who has studied dental "medicine" for 5 years would know that not all people can tolerate fluoride and that putting it in everyone's drinking water and/or medicating people against their will is nothing short of a crime. But they don't.  (+ info)

How many use toothpastes & drink water that's poisoned with fluoride?

Fluoride helps prevent cavities.  (+ info)

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