Could I have hypopituitarism?
I'm female, age 16. I am 5'1'', though the doctors predicted when I was born that I would be at least 5'6'' (dunno how accurate those predictions usually are, though). I have struggled with depression, mood swings, difficulty paying attention, irritability, and irrational emotional distress since the age of 11.
also, i've had long-term chronic constipation, recently resolved...
could these be signs of hypopituitarism?
House M.D. is right to ask the question. How tall is your parents, your aunts? My sister is 5ft. Everyone else in the family is taller than her. That's just the breaks. (
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A question about Hypopituitarism?
If a girl had an accident at the age of 8, which caused a head injury, what are the possibilities of her getting Hypopituitarism?
How far would this affect her fertility, sex drive and phsycological condition? Can this be treated or not?
Thanks for the help
Damage to the pituitary gland is what can cause hypopituitariasm (hence the name), usually the first thing lost would be HGH (human growth hormone) which, if damaged enough, will cause her to grow under 5 feet. It is treatable with hormone replacement therapy. (
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How can a guy that has hormone problems gain muscles?
I have a form of dwarfism called hypopituitarism, basically i had to take shots my whole life to grow tall, and partially go thru puberty, I want to get into physical fit shape...
But everytime i've tried and tired and tried no results, which i think is from a huge pituitary malfunction....
What can I do?
I have, and other than continue to take my medication, aka testosterone patches, nothing else to be done...
It just get's very frustrating...
Low carb is for normalizing bodies and works for underweight as well as overweight. I would suggest you eat a balanced diet with lots of protein, fats, vegetables & some complex carbs but control simple carbs.
Simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour, bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice) triggers insulin. As long as you remain <9 carbs per hour, you will maintain insulin control. High insulin levels unbalance other hormones. Controlling insulin levels will balance out other hormones & allow testosterone & human growth hormone (HGH) to be produced naturally so lean muscle will be gained even without exercise. Any exercise will greatly increase muscle mass with high HGH levels. (
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A question about hypopituitarism and hypogonadism, low LH/FSH and testosterone levels?
In men, the combination of low LH and FSH in combination with a low testosterone confirms LH/FSH deficiency (hypopituitarism), a high testosterone would indicate a source elsewhere in the body (such as a testosterone-secreting tumor). Does that mean that LH/FSH deficiency or hypopituitarism causes low testosterone levels? If not, what causes the low testosterone levels, and must it be present (in addition to low LHFSH) to confirm hypopituitarism? What is the difference between hypopituitarism and hypogonadism? Does one have to have hypogonadism to have low testosterone levels, or could hypopituitarism be sufficient? Sorry if my questions are a little unclear. And please, simple explanations, I am not a doctor.
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Does anyone have Hypopituitarism?
I've had it since i was 4, and i've never met anyone who has it!!
i'm just curious if there is alot of other people who have it. :)
as you know i do not have it .
but i do love you. (
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Hypothyroidism/hypopituitarism? Possible?
I have had a couple of abnormal symptoms that have progressed since Fall of 2005 (possibly earlier). I've had muscle weakness, constipation(even with normal feces), and the BIG THREE: increased hunger(I eat like once every four hours and almost starve on a full meal for a 7 hour fast), increased urination (bout 14 times a day), and dry dry skin which, now what looks like acne is building up all over my skin everywhere. =(.
Now I got all this junk but I wasn't totally aware of each one until I noticed most people urinate like 5 times a day. My doctor suspected diabetes mellitis at first, but a blood test showed that I was negative for diabetes. I have been consulted to a urologist and I have yet to go since my parent's Medicaid is dead for a while. =(. Guess I'll have a hard time in soccer season Senior year =(. Unless I get help of course =/.
You're probably right about the (primary) hypothyroidism ..Secondary, or pituitary hypothyroidism is possible, but is quite rare....Get a TSH. (
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What could cause a green tongue?
I woke up fine, I don't feel sick. But, when I brushed my teeth this morning I had a green tongue. I have Hypopituitarism, and hypothyroidism. Could it be related or just an infection?
Both these problems do effect my immune system. My body is unable to fight of infection like it should. But, I haven't had this problem before, and I can't get a straight answer online.
Did you eat a green icepop/lollipop?
:) (
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Is anyone out there who has had childhood onset Growth Hormone Deficiency?
Also called Hypopituitarism
Yes... My son has this. We give him growth hormone injections daily. He was seen by an endocrinologist who prescribes the injections. He has the growth hormone issue because he was born missing a half of a chromosome. It is called 22q deletion syndrome. Also known as DiGeorge Syndrome or VCFS. He is now 3 yrs old and since staring the injections he is finally starting to grow. (
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I'm devastated from some medical news...?
Today I learned that as a result of my undescended testicles as a child, there is a 99.99% chance that I'm sterile. I have hypopituitarism and hypothyroidism. I've always wanted 5 kids. I'm devastated and feel like I'm just taking up space now.
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I need help with my medical terminology!?
Divide hypopituitarism into its word parts and define each part.
Ism=state of
State of decreased level of pituitary hormones (
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