FAQ - hypopituitarism
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My child @ hospital for 3 months of her life?

My baby was in the hospital for 3 months due to gastroschesis, hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, and hip dysplasia. Please watch my video.


Has anyone had a baby with these problems? Please let me know.
I didn't even get to hold her for the first 3 weeks.

My son was born with a very mild case of gastroschesis and he developed hip dysplasia and had to have both hips repaired but he was diagnosed at a older age. With the gastroschesis he did not need surgery they said it was a miracle that the intestines went back in on their own but he did not have a lot of the intestines out just a small portion.
my son was in a children's hospital for the first 8 days and we have been in and out of the hospital ever since. If I can be of any help to you please don't be afraid to ask. my son is now 13 but still has alot of problems but is a fighter and is doing well considering all he has been through and all the operations he has had. I feel your pain and know what you are going through.. God has bless you with a beautiful baby.  (+ info)

Can I get shingles?

I found out I was exposed to a child with chicken pox a couple days ago. If I had chicken pox as a child can I get shingles from this child. I am a 25 year old with an impaired immune system due to hypopituitarism.

If you've already had chicken pox, you have the shingles virus (herpes or varicella-zoster lying dormant in your system.

Exposure to shingles can cause chicken pox in someone who has never had chicken pox.

BUT... exposure to chicken pox won't cause someone who's already had chicken pox to get shingles. Odd, but true! It isn't backwards compatible like that.

The fact that your immune system is compromised, however, DOES make it more likely that you might suffer a shingles outbreak at some point in your life. The first signs of shingles is usually sharp pains or tender spots, usually on your sides or lower back. The rash doesn't tend to show up until a couple of days after the onset of pain.

The best thing to do if you experience early symptoms is to start treating it immediately... the sooner treatment begins, the better the chances are that you won't have to suffer with the pain for very long. I started treating mine immediately, and managed to get the pain to subside within six days. (Six of the worst days of my life, mind you, but... that's not too bad for shingles!)  (+ info)

No support Pregnancy?

I have something called Hypopituitarism, a thyroid and pituitary illness. I went to the obg-yn 2 months ago, and got all the tests and she said I'm not pg and I am. Please don't answer to that. Normal pregnancy women don't get it and keep asking y. Anyways I'm going this Thursday and praying to God that I will get the proof this time. I am pregnant with alot of symptoms and I believe i am now in my second trimester. I have no support what so ever. My ex bf doesnt talk about it, I dumped him, he still loves me. My sister and mom think I'm just making it up. I keep telling my sis and she thinks I'm a skitzo or something. I feel alone and am worried about financial things. You ask y u having a baby in the first place. I didnt think I could get pregnant. Doc told me I couldnt unless intervention. What do i do? I'm pregnant and it's like knowone even knows it exists. Please give me info , and please no rude peeps, I'm emotional already. Anyone else have this problem? Thanks

I have no idea about this. I don't even understand what u r saying.If you think u r then u are.  (+ info)

can someone with a medical condition, unable to have some vaccinations, able to work @ a job that requires it?

Hi, my name is Emily, and have something called Hypopituitarism. With Hypopituitarism it is highly risky to get vaccinated for many things. For example, when I was 4 months old I had seizures and ran a 107degree fever from my 2nd DPT shot. I have always wanted to have a career in which I helped people such as nursing, or teaching. However, I know that w/ jobs such as these it is required to have certain vaccinations. So my question is, Is it possible for someone such as myself to have a career in an area that requires vaccinations, without being vaccinated? Thank you, for your help.

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To Marks Wifey?

My last question was about me crying and thyroid and ex boyfriend. That's why I needed to talk to someone with a thyroid condition while pregnant. My e-mail address is [email protected] please e-mail me. I went to see obg-yn she doesnt think I'm PG, I really am. My endocronoligist told me to see and adult endocronologist, so I have not done the regular doc thing like most women. For some reason positive wont show up in Urine tests. I have hypopituitarism if u know what that is. Please answer back again. I so appreciate it.

Well, I don't want to seem like I am being mean, but if you have hypopituitarism then you should consult an endocronologist that specializes with your type of hypopituitarism. If you think/believe that you are pregnant, but have taken tests that show up as ''negative'' then there is a very high chance that you aren't pregnant or that your hormones haven't signaled the change in your body yet. Either way you should possibly consult a second OB-GYN and a more experienced endocronologist, don't just sit here waiting for someone, like me, who doesn't know you personally to come around and tell you what's best. Only a trained professional will know what to tell you and what would be best prescribed for you. Best of luck on both.  (+ info)

Hormone problems with pregnantcy.?

I have a thyroid and pituitarry disease called hypopituitarism. I am pregnant, went to obg-yn and they say I'm not when I clearly am. Passing gas alot, lower back pain, peeing more and urgent, discharge, sesitive nipples, eating alot, and tired. My old doc endocronologist told me to get a new one, they don't take my insurance. I am stuck and hoping atleast one person out there can help me out. FYI I miss my jeans, I'm in sweatpants or stretchy pants all the time

They say youre not what?

I have hyperthyroidism... and i was completely nuts during my pregancy...and i've gained a lot of weight that i cant seem to get rid of still.. It keeps me tired and unmotivated.. i'm hoping to go to the doc soon..waiting on insurance.  (+ info)

Should I tell my psychiatrist or psychologist about my shameful thoughts I'm scared and I need help?

I've been diagnosed with ADHD when I was 8 years old then my dad told my mon nothing is wrong with me and I stopped going to a therapist in tell I was 18 and I was diagnosed with Bipolar 2 then when I was 19 was diagnosed with Asbergers Syndrome.The newest diagnoses is Asbergers syndrome and noe they are convinced I don't have bipolar or ADHD.

I told my therapists in the past about my shameful thoughts but wasn't honest in details.Most of my therapists are interns.I go to a clinical psychologist every week and a psychiatrist every few months for medication adjustments.

I told them that when young girls wrestle with me,sit on my laps I get aroused.I didn't tell them that I also get aroused if they kiss me on the check and or hug me.I told them I only get aroused if they touch me but not from a distance.But those feelings where more when I was 14-16.Some of them said I was young and had to do with my hormones.Two of them said it has to do withAsbergers because they have trouble expressing emotions. I didn't tell them that I get aroused.These girls where my cousins.They where 5-8.I didn't tell them that I get aroused when I see them in a swimsuit.I also get aroused from Beauty pageant especially when they put a lot of make up and lipstick.I like girls 10-14.I didn't tell them that I ejaculate to them.I feel shame.When I say the movie Orphan I was turned on when Eshter tried to seduce John,and in the movie she was a 33 year old women with that Hypopituitarism pretended to be a child.The actress who played the role named Isabelle Fuhrman is 12 in real life and I think she is hot.I am really ashamed.I told them but in a deceptive way and without details.I am a law abiding good person.I never acted on those thoughts,but I'm scared if I tell them they will put me in the hospital.I value my freedom.I am 21 living with my family and going to college.I get accomedations for dyslexia and disorder of written expression.I told my mon and she said turn to God and also told me if I ever acted on these thoughts I won't forgive you because I was also molested.Tell me what to do.I'm scared and embarrassed.I don't want to have those thoughts,but I can't help it.Should I tell them the details and the whole truth.
Please don't delete my questions.I really need help.

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How many children are born (and survive) without a pituitary gland? When was the first case noted AND treated?

My daughter was born Oct. 2007 without a pituitary gland. She nearly died before the doctors discovered the cause of her degenerating condition and all the seemingly unrelated anomalies.

I have done a lot of research over the last two years in order to better understand her condition and how to best ensure her continued thriving.

Because this is an extremely rare condition, one thing I have been missing in my quest for answers is actual contact with other parents who have had children with the same condition.

Finding an accurate diagnosis was very difficult. Most endocrinologists simply refer to it as hypopituitarism or Panhypopituitarism.

This would refer however to a pituitary which UNDER produces, not the lack of the pituitary.

I have also seen it referred to as Empty Sella Syndrome. This is the absence of the pituitary gland on CTs or MRIs. This usually happens because the pituitary has been flattened against the sella turcica. It is present, but cannot be seen on the imaging.

Congenital Pituitary Aplasia would describe a baby born without the pituitary.

My questions are:

1) How many babies are born and survive without a pituitary?
2) When was the first case diagnosed and successfully treated?
3) How old is the oldest person born without a pituitary?
4) How can I find the parents of others with this diagnoses?

1) I do not think it is common. Most doctors would not pick it up and therefore the child just would not survive.

2) I looked, I really could not find anything.

3) Now with replacement hormones, people can live much better and longer - but quality of life is very important.

4) Try www.magicfoundation.org as they have a lot of information about children with rare endocrine disorders.

I am also panhypopituitary.  (+ info)

Women with thyroid problems, info needed please?

I have something called HYPOPITUITARISM hypo pit u it air ism. I have thyroid and pituitary problems. i have to take birth control just to get my period. I also take prednisone and synthroid. I know I have to ask my doc but, it's complicated. Do I see my endocronologist about this or a gynocologist? I really want to have a baby. It's time. If you have thyroid issues and had a baby, what did you have to do? PLEASE answer to the best of your ability. I don't think god would put this wanting a baby in my heart if i can't conceive. Thanks so much. God Bless
I was seeing a doc steady for 12 yrs, he sent me to a adult endocronologist. I couldn't understand a damn thing he said and I tried going to another doc. In the mix I lost my whole medical file at the old docs, and am starting out like new. No, I'm fat 250, lol at 5'8" also. I put a post in pregnancy. It started with THYROID issues, please help. Go there and c what those women said, veryyyyy uplifting. best of luck, and God Bless you. Thanks again.

Wow, Im sorry, I know how you feel. I am suffering from Hypothyroidism and Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (hormone disorder that puts cysts on ur ovaries-PAINFUL), High Liver Enzymes. Im 21 years old, and married. My disorders are also giving me trouble with child bearing. I dont know if i want to do the birth control, I had soo many issues with it when i was one them. Anywayz, Since 2006 I have gained weight and lost weight, Dont get a period for 3 months and then it only last 4 days max heavy and its gone. Since 06'Doctors would push me away saying i have a hormonal issue, it will clear up..and thats it. I miscarried 3 times, havent gotten pregnant in 4 years. Last february, I got really sick, and I was always nauseas and vomiting, and had my period for 2 months straight. I decided to see the Gynocologist about my issue I was using a box of 36 ULTRA absorbant Tampons with in 3-4 days, couldnt walk i was in soo much pain. After testing me and doing Transvaginal ultra sound they found my Left ovary full of bad cysts (at least 12) and my Right one full of Simple Cysts. Which is causing me not to be able to concieve. My thyroid issue is also a problem, I am 5 ft even, and 8 months ago I weighed in at 132lbs most muscle, now im 194. Thats alot of weight. No diet i tried has helped, nothing. My Gyno is sending me to the fertility specialist, She will be sending a note to my Insurance Co. stating that due to my medical issues I have to see a fertility specialist we are seeking pregnancy. On top of it all, I have to take Nu-iron (lack of iron in my blood), Thyroid (armour) meds for the rest of my life. Find a good Doctor, Everyone I run into at the labs, or hospitals, has my doctor so far. She is Wonderful. My husband and I are trying to have a baby soo bad. So do you have problems with gaining weight as well? what are you doing for it.  (+ info)

Thyroid issues please help.?

I asked this question in the health dept too. I have something called HYPOPITUITARISM hypo pit u it air ism! I have to take birth control just to get my period. I take necon prednisone and synthroid. I have both a pituitary and thyroid problems. I have seen an endocronologist since I was 18. Also I don't know who to go to. Do I see an endocronologist or a gynocologist. Information will be so important to me. Please have you have thyroid problems and conceived? Can you tell me the process, or sum it up/ I'm 32 and I am ready for a baby. Also have any miracles happend like you were told that you couldn;t have a baby and God Blessed you with one. Please all the info could give me a head start. Thanks so much, God Bless
Thank you so much. You lifted my spirits high! You've helped me in ways ive never known. You all gave me hope! GOD BLESS

First, you CAN get pregnant.

Second, it will take both your OBGYN and your endocrinologist working together. Your TSH should be between 1 and 2 for optimum fertility.

As long as your medication is keeping things under control and your are monitoring things regularly, you should be fine.

If after 6 months of trying (with close monitoring) you are not pregnant run, don't walk, to a reproductive endocrinoligist. REs specialize in fertility issues and can add an expert perspective if you need it.

Best of luck!  (+ info)

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