Infant hair loss...typical in this situation?
My daughter was born with a full head of thick, dark hair. It started thinning out when she was about 3.5 months, definitely not right after she was born like most babies do. Now at 5 months, it's so thin that if she looses any more, she will be completely bald (she already has the typical bald spot on the back of her head from where she sleeps). Every time we take her hat off from outside, she leaves inside the hat clumps of little black hairs. I know it is very normal for babies to lose some of of their hair in the first few months, but do you think it will get worse before it gets better? I've read on Babycenter that if they lose their hair all over like she has, they could have hypothyroidism or hypopituitarism. It just sort of concerns me that she never lost any great amount of hair until she was almost 4 months.
I don't want to read more into this than what it is, so can someone relate? If this is indeed normal then I won't care about the hair loss so long as she's healthy!
Our doctor is old and close to retirement and wants to do as little for patients as possible. I'd take her to see a pediatrician but in Canada, the only time you see one is with a GP's referral, and I will never get that (I've already seen him, and tried). It's also not possible to switch doctors as there is a massive shortage in my area.
My son was also born with thick Asian black hair.
He never had a bald spot in the back of his head from sleeping but all of a sudden during his fourth month all of his hair just fell out.
People constantly thought that I did the mohawk to him but it just happened to fall out that way.
When he was 5 months old he lost that mohawk:
It grew back rather quickly. By the time he was 7 months old it was back to it's original length. Now at 10 months his hair is a completely different colour and a lot thinner.
It's very normal =0 My son is perfectly healthy (
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If the first answer isn't yes, forget it.....?
1. Your hormone levels get all wacky during your period, right?
if yes......2. That's what makes you have headaches and stuff, right?
haha if yes, again....3. If someone has a headache almost all the time EXCEPT during their period, could it be possible that they're missing some of a hormone that gets replaced while they're on their period? Like they might have hypopituitarism or something, maybe.....would it work that way?
well I eat at least 15 cups of ice a day. I guess that's not drinking water but it IS water
Benji - HAHAHA no it's not a brain-freeze. haha good point though :) I've had a LOT of concussions so I'm thinking at one point I might have hit my head so hard it messed up my pituitary gland or something
15 cups of ice a day? That's not a headache! It's brain-freeze!!
Cut back on the ice, drink water.
But your theory may have some merit. Your headaches may be hormonally induced. It will take some time with an endocrinologist to find out for sure. (
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Could these physical and psychiatric problems be symptoms of a disease?
I am a 16-year-old American girl, here are some peculiar/uncomfortable problems I've had over the years:
-At age 11 I had been drinking milk daily for years, but suddenly developed a SEVERE allergy to it. I didn't realize I had developed an allergy to it, so I continued to drink it for several weeks before realizing I was allergic. During that period of several weeks the stomache pain that occured following every time I ate was so severe I simply stopped eating solid foods and went on an all-liquid diet.
-At age 11 I developed severe psychiatric problems including irrational anxiety so severe and constant that at one point I could not handle being at school; I faked sick for several days until it got a little better.
-Starting at the beginning of 7th grade until the end of 9th grade I suffered from chronic constipation.
-I have Raynaud's Disease, which can be briefly summarized as severe sensitivity to cold in the hands and feet and a difficulty being and staying warm... (blood) circulatory problem.
-I am physically weak, I have difficulty lifting things. Sometimes I have difficulty opening doors. I also have difficulty doing push-ups in Phys.Ed., etc.
-I have difficulty paying attention/staying on task/staying focused. Occasionally my mind starts spinning, usually triggered by irrational excitement over something, and I can't stop moving, I have to quickly move around my home from room to room.
-As a child, elementary school aged, I would often experience sudden shooting pain in my ankles while jogging.
-I have struggled with depression and thoughts of suicide off and on since the age of 12, as well as constant dwelling in negative thoughts.
-I have struggled with impulsiveness, compulsiveness, promiscuity.
-My mom is 5 feet, 3 and a half inches. My dad is 5 feet, 10 inches. When I was born the doctor's said I should grow to be AT LEAST 5 feet 6 inches by the time I reached my full, adult height. At age 16 I am 5 feet 1 inch.
-I am flat-footed.
-I have significantly poor eyesight, worse than both my parents, though it has been fully corrected by glasses/contacts.
-The knuckle at the base of my middle finger is noticeably enlarged on both the left and the right hand.
I was wondering if anyone has any opinions about whether or not my symptoms indicate a disease, and if so, any disease in particular.
I've been reading stuff on the web and my symptoms seem to match many of the symptoms of diseases such as " Hypothyroidism" and "Hypopituitarism".
I'd appreciate any opinions or advice.
Jessica the 'symptoms' or rather 'problems' you have listed here are really NOT so 'peculiar' or 'severe' as you say.
It sounds like you are otherwise a normal 16 year old girl who is flat footed, wears glasses and is 5' 1" and wants to be taller. It is very normal for teenagers to be anxious and impulsive, although the ones who have someone close for a parent usually are not compulsive and promiscuous - it sounds like you talk more to Google than you do with anyone else including your parents.
Did you get your period when you were eleven ? Feeling like you don't want to go to school then is totally understandable.
Changing your diet to liquids only is probably the most 'severe' thing you have done and could be the reason for your not growing taller. Did you replace your calcium and protein source when you gave up milk ?
Your unusual diet would also be to blame for your 'chronic constipation', depression, poor circulation (was your Raynauds medically diagnosed ?) and sharp pains in your legs :
*do you eat fruit ? Well start now - two pieces a day - a pear an orange is a good start
*do you eat almonds or any other nuts or seeds or cereals - these foods supply magnesium which will relax your muscles (no more sharp pains while running), help with constipation and depression
*eat meat, beef steak at least once a week for strong muscles (protein ) and iron (to stop feeling lightheaded).
Your flat feet is likely your only real physical problem - get started with some step ups and maybe get your parents to take you to a podiatrist for some orthotics. They may also help with the 'shooting pains'.
Everyones knuckle at the base of their middle finger is noticeably larger than the other knuckles at the base of their fingers - that is also the longest finger.
Your 'symptoms' do NOT sound like hypothyroidism nor a pituitary disorder.
Raynauds is diagnosed by a specific appearance of the hands when they are cold and you did not mention this either.
Stop trying to diagnose yourself on the internet as there is really nothing wrong with you that a proper diet, exercise and talking to your parents and friends couldn't fix. (
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