What kinds of kidney diseases are associated with family history?
When I was recently having an ultrasound scan done of my bladder and kidneys, the doctor doing it took a little while looking at my bladder, a little while on my left kidney, then a long time on my right kidney. After looking at the right kidney for some time, he paused and asked whether i have any family history of problems with the kidney, I replied that someone may have had stones at some point but i'm not entirely sure, and he just went quiet which made me think he's not talking about stones, then he continued looking at the kidney some more.
What kinds of kidney diseases are associated with family history?
Diabetes (
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Diseases or damage of the kidney typically result in severe medical conditions. What are some of the more comm
Diseases or damage of the kidney typically result in severe medical conditions. What are some of the more common kidney diseases and ailments? and what parts of the kidney are impacted by the ailment you selected.
Google Kidney disease (
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What kind of physician one should look for kidney related diseases?
My friend is suspecting kidney stone by the kind of symptoms he read in net. He is confused whether to go to a general physician or some specialist. What such specialists are called as? Please suggest some to help him out.
Thanks in advance.
He should be able to just go to his personal physician and they will either do a sonogram or cat scan to test for kidney stones. A physician who specializes in kidneys is a Nephrologist. My daughter goes to one at Scott and White medical center in Temple, Tx. (
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What are the dangers of deodorant for people with kidney diseases?
Most deodorants on the back say to ask you doctor before using it if you have kidney problems. What exactly could go wrong?
Antiperspirant and deodorant ingredients are not associated in any way with promoting kidney disease. The kidneys play an important role in allowing the body to rid itself of things it doesn't need. A consequence of kidney disease can be that the body struggles in this function.
One element that the body comes into contact with everyday is aluminium, which is naturally and abundantly present in food, drink and the environment generally. Generally speaking, aluminium is perfectly safe and is easily processed through the kidneys, but when someone has kidney disease their body can struggle to cope with it. It is for this reason that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enforces labelling on products like oral antacids which contain large amounts of aluminium. Antiperspirant ingredients only contain a small amount of aluminium (less than 2.5% of the amount that people come into contact with every day) and as a way of raising awareness of the dangers faced by kidney disease sufferers, the FDA has recently suggested that people with kidney disease talk to their doctor before using an antiperspirant.
http://www.antiperspirantsinfo.com/usenglish/04.php#14 (
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What are good dietary management for diseases related to kidney?
Moderate-protein Diets
In people with diabetes, excessive consumption of protein may be harmful. Experts recommend that people with kidney disease of diabetes consume the recommended dietary allowance for protein, but avoid high-protein diets. For people with greatly reduced kidney function, a diet containing reduced amounts of protein may help delay the onset of kidney failure. Anyone following a reduced-protein diet should work with a dietitian to ensure adequate nutrition.
The report identified 41 key recommendations, 23 for the general public and 18 for special populations, grouped into nine general topic areas:
Adequate Nutrients Within Calorie Needs
Weight Management (See Chapter 5: Overweight, Obesity & Weight Management)
Physical Activity
Food Groups to Encourage
Fats (See Chapter 6: Dietary Fats & Fat Replacers)
Carbohydrates (See Chapter 7: Carbohydrates & Sugars)
Sodium and Potassium
Alcoholic Beverages
Food Safety (See Chapter 12: Food Safety & Defense)
View the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans report at http://www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2005/document/.
In the final stage, the government agencies used the 2005 Dietary Guidelines to develop the following consumer research- based messages for the public and health educators:
Make smart choices from every food group.
Find your balance between food and physical activity.
Get the most nutrition out of your calories.
Discussed below are two public education programs that translate the Dietary Guidelines into comprehensive healthful eating and physical activity advice for consumers.
MyPyramid: A Personal Plan for Healthful Eating and Physical Activity
In 1992, the USDA released the Food Guide Pyramid as a nutrition education tool to help put the Dietary Guidelines for Americans into action. The Pyramid served as a visual translation and general guide for daily food choices including specific recommendations for daily intake from the five food groups, including serving sizes, and guidelines for moderating intake of dietary fats and sugars.
In 2005, USDA updated the Food Guide Pyramid to become MyPyramid. MyPyramid differs from its predecessor by including recommendations for physical activity and promoting a personalized, “one size doesn’t fit all” approach. Like other government programs, MyPyramid encourages gradual, “small steps” toward improvement. The MyPyramid graphic, with its six colored bands (representing the five food groups, plus oils), is designed to convey moderation, variety, and proportionality between and within food groups. Consumers who visit www.MyPyramid.gov can receive their “personal pyramid” based on their calorie needs by entering their age, gender, and physical activity level in the My Pyramid Plan box. The site also features numerous tips for making smart choices from every food group and being physically active.
It’s All About You: Applying Dietary Guidance to American Life
The Dietary Guidelines Alliance was formed in the mid-1990s with members from health organizations, the food industry, and the government to develop effective, consumer-focused messages to convey the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
The Alliance developed It’s All About You—a consumer research-tested message campaign that translates the Guidelines into simple, positive steps consumers can take toward more healthful lifestyles. The campaign is based on the following five core messages, designed to help motivate consumers to make positive changes in their eating and physical activity habits:
Be Realistic: Make small changes over time in what you eat and the level of activity you do. After all, small steps work better than giant leaps.
Be Adventurous: Expand your tastes to enjoy a variety of foods.
Be Flexible: Go ahead and balance what you eat and the physical activity you do over several days. No need to worry about just one meal or one day.
Be Sensible: Enjoy all foods, just don’t overdo it.
Be Active: Walk the dog, don’t just watch the dog walk.
Supporting nutrition education materials feature practical tips to help consumers act on the advice from each campaign message, follow MyPyramid and use tools such as the Nutrition Facts panel to make healthful food choices. The materials are continually updated to reflect the latest Dietary Guidelines and food guidance system.
Nutrition Labeling—A Tool for Following Dietary Guidance
Today’s nutrition labels help consumers make wise food choices by monitoring serving sizes and calories per serving, keeping saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, and sodium low, and consuming enough of certain vitamins and minerals.
Attention to nutrition labeling was first sparked following increased visibility to nutrition and health after the 1969 White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health. In 1973, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) took the first steps to establish the current framework for the nutrition labeling of foods (
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How do the kidney and vascular diseases contribute to hypertension?
Primarily, it's the other way around. Hypertension contributes to kidney and vascular diseases!
The kidneys autoregulate blood flow by controlling the diameter of tiny blood vessels going into and out of each of the microscopic urine-making structures called the "nephrons". When the pressure is high, these blood vessels become stiff from overgrowth of the muscle walls used to resist the flow. The nephrons themselves are damaged from pressure, and the organ's microstructure is slowly replaced by scar.
High blood pressure also represents a challenge to the rest of the bodily blood vessels, which become thickened in response to the pressure, and which are prone to shearing injuries to the lining. This is especially true when the lining is infiltrated with cholesterol in the form of atherosclerotic plaques. As the blood vessels become thickened and stiff, the pulsations of flow hammer away at the walls, creating things like aneurysms (balloon-like dilations prone to rupture) and blockages where the atherosclerotic plaques rupture and clot. This latter mechanism is commonly the cause of heart attack and stroke, as well as other end-organ damage.
There is one particular phenomenon, however, that DOES relate to your exact question. There is a condition known as renovascular hypertension, and this is one of the forms of high blood pressure that can be traced back to a treatable cause, and can be "cured" by an intervention. Most often, of course, hypertension is considered to be "essential hypertension" which means that there is no specific cause identified, and the hypertension itself needs to be treated because of the risks it poses to the patient's health.
Renovascular hypertension is a problem that occurs in those people who develop flow limiting atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries leading off to the kidneys. When this happens, the flow to the kidneys is substantially decreased, and the kidneys are "fooled" into thinking that there is a problem of flow throughout the body. The kidneys react to a situation that, if the arteries to the kidneys were normal, would probably represent low circulating blood volume. Basically, the kidneys are unable to tell the difference between low flow because the arteries are bad, and low flow because the patient lost a lot of blood from an injury.
The response from the kidney suffering low flow comes in the form of a hormone. This hormone is called "renin" and it has one job. Renin circulates in the blood and it turns a protein called "angiotensinogen" into "angiotensin 1". Angiotensin 1 is a hormone that increases the tension in blood vessels, but more importantly, it is a precursor to "angiontensin 2", which is what it its turned into immediately after passing through the lungs. Angiotensin 2 is one of the most powerful vaso-constricting hormones we have. It increases the blood pressure dramatically.
Renovascular hypertension can be treated by procedures which open up the narrowed blood vessel, but the key is that the problem needs to be recognized first! Sometimes people with this problem go unrecognized for long periods of time.
I hope that helps! (
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what is the best way to fight kidney diseases without side effects?
my father...he is sick
Well that all depends whats wrong with your fathers kidneys doesn't it? If you want to add more details, I can be of more help. (
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Is it true that people working in construction industry have more chance for kidney diseases?
Because they have to be in sites which doesn't hav proper toilet facility
That would more likely affect their bowels.
But from what I have experienced construction workers and males in general when they are outside or away from general public find a toilet for number ones in the strangest of spots and just about anywhere.
If people in construction have more kidney diseases it might be because they forget to drink water. (
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Im getting into bodybuilding i have 2 kidney diseases and i want to get onto testosterone?
my doctors said im supposed to stay away from high creatine and high protein stuff would xyience xtest mess anything up with my kidneys
yes. it would be best tat u keep away from those stuffs (creatine & protein) since u hve kidney diseases. i used to work in a health food store. n also know the serious of getting worst of ur problem, if u still dont heed the doc advise...cos it ll make only ur kidneys to work even harder if ur take those stuffs. worst, if u need to go for kidney dailysis... (
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What are the main causes of kidney diseases? How could you avoid kidney damage?
drink a lot of water
to reduce ur kidney functions... (
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