Why have I had Lymphocytosis for 6 months?
I have had Lymphocytosis for 6 months.
In April 2009 my lymphocytes were 4.2, it is now October and my lymphocytes are 4.3.
What could make this last so long? I have recently taken antibiotics for a suspected UTI, however this Lymphocytosis remains present in my current blood test results..
Any advice would be appreciated.
You may have a lymphocyte count that exceeds the typical threshold but have no disease present. Your doctor makes a judgment about whether the count is "too high" based on other factors, such as symptoms you may be experiencing and the results of other tests.
If your doctor determines your lymphocyte count is high, the test result may be evidence of one of the following conditions:
-Severe viral infection
-Cancer of the blood or lymphatic system
-An autoimmune disorder causing chronic inflammation (
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is atypical lymphocytes the same as mild lymphocytosis?
just wandering if an increase in lymphocytes also known as mild lymphocytosis is the same as atypical lymphocytes? as i know its linked to HIV so freaking out LOL...but im hoping i just have an infection.
how do they check for atypical lymphocytes?
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Can Crohn's disease present with absolute lymphocytosis?
and normal total wbc count?
I have an appointment in two weeks to start the process of determining whether I have it or not. I have noticed that my mom has a high lymphocyte count with a recent diagnosis of Crohn's and I have a high lymphocyte count. I was wondering whether to mention this at my doc's appointment or not.
Hello, I am a fellow Crohnie...first question do you know what your absolute lymphocyte count was? Below or above 4000? Umm, honestly I do not see how seeing as how lymphocytosis is caused by acute viral infections, acute infections such as pertussis and toxoplasmosis, chronic intracellular bacterial infections such as tuberculosis or brucellosis. I would double check with the gastro and yes tell him about it...no joke tell him everything even if your stool is pink( figure of speech)...he should know...I wish you the best of luck. (
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Lymphocytosis and glandular fever?
I was diagnosed three weeks ago with 'persistant lymphocytosis' and have also been experiencing symptoms (inflamed throat, headaches, nausea, painful glands) of Glandular fever. Are these related?
Yes. Lymphocytosis is the condition of having an abnormally large number of lymphocytes in the blood. It often occurs in diseases such as glandular fever and smallpox.
Glandular fever (infectious mononucleosis) is a mild infectious disease most commonly caused by the Epstein-Barr (EB) virus, one of the herpes viruses. As with any harmful infection, the body's immune system fights the EB virus infection by activating large numbers of lymphocytes.
Glandular fever occurs most often in young adults but also strikes children and older people. Direct contact between people-kissing, for example - can spread the disease. The chief symptoms include chills, fever, sore throat, and fatigue. The disease is called glandular fever because swelling occurs in the lymphatic glands, especially those in the neck. Symptoms may also include an enlarged spleen, inflamed mouth and gums, skin rash, jaundice, and an enlarged liver. (
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what is lymphocytosis?
If A Doctor is checking you for lymphocytosis what does it mean?
He is looking to see how high your lymphocyte count is in a white blood cell differential. (
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Why do children have Lymphocytosis?
a good link explaining this phenomenon may help a lot
Thx tiffany for the answer, but my question is why do they have lymphocytosis in physiological conditions? i didn't ask for an explanation for leukocytosis.
Leukocytosis (an increase in white blood cells) is a reaction to a variety of infectious, inflammatory, and, in certain instances, physiologic processes (eg, extreme stress).
Below is a link about pediatric leukocytosis. (other wise known as high white blood cell count in kids) (
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mild neutropenia, lymphocytosis and eosinophilia?
i'm 21 years old and i have sinus tachycardia, the heart doctor sent me to get my thyroid examined and when the results came back they were ok, but the blood work didn't come out right. i found out i have mild neutropenia and mild lymphocytosis. i went to have two more blood tests in different hospitals and they both came out the same. they told me to wait a month and have the test done again, so thats what i did.
i went last week to get another blood test and i got the same result, the percentages didnt change much, lymphocytosis went down a bit but not by much. i found out on this blood test that i have eosinophilia too, they told me it could be from allergies, and i do have an allergy on my belly from one of the belts i wear, the metal rubs on my belly when i sweat and i get this rash, i've had this for a few years now so its nothing new, but i don't know if its from that. i looked at some blood tests that i had done about a year and half ago after feeling sick a month after i stayed in bed for about a week with the flu, i hope that's what it was (i had fever, sore throat, i was sweating and i felt really weak. i got better after a week but after a month when i returned back to work i started feeling sick and weak so i went to see the doctor and they told me its nothing and it will go away, an it did. anyway i looked at those blood tests from back then and they are almost identical to the ones i got now, mild neutropenia, mild lymphocytosis and mild eosinophilia, it hasn't changed by much even if a year and half passed. my red blood cells and white blood cells are normal, they never dropped or raised. i've seen about 4 different doctors, 3 of them were blood specialists and they told me its nothing bad but they couldn't tell me what it is exactly.
on some days i feel weird, i get a bit dizzy and i feel nauseous, it's not that extreme, but i do feel it. i happens once or twice a week, it happened today and i would really like some suggestions on what other tests i should have done and what else should i have examined.
i haven't been sick in the last year at all, no cold, nothing so why do these results keep coming up?
why haven't the results changed at all for a year and half?
i figure if it would have been something bad they would change to worse but they are almost identical to the result from a year and half ago. someone please give me some advice because i feel like i'm going nuts.
first i started having sinus tachycardia, i still have problems every other day, my heart starts beating fast and pumping hard suddenly, even when i sit and watch a tv and i make no effort at all, now im on beta blockers and to top it off these blood results won't change. here is a copy of my last blood test, if anyone wants to take a look at it, you can find it here! http://www.imagehost.ro/pict/28003954488ceb2a41f9d.JPG
please people give me some advice, this can't be normal! i've looked on tons of sites and i can't get any clear answer and i really hope i don't have leukemia or any kind of lymphoma or that i am developing this, i'm too young to be worrying about my health so much :(
i would like to add that from time to time i'm pale and i have dark circles around my eyes well underneath. i also read on one of my blood tests something about polymorph lymphocites, i hope i'm translating it properly
thank you
Your report is in a different language, so... By American standards, you are not neutropenic, as neutropenia is when the absolute neutrophile count is below 1.0. Yours is not below that. While it is a lil lower than normal, in America your level is called leukopenia, not neutropenia. I see on the bottom where there is a word simular to the word neutropenic, but I was not able to copy and past the phrase for translation because of the document type.
Your hemoglobin and platelets are normal.
Eosinophiles are the white blood cells that fight infection and parasites. Have you been tested for worms?
As far as your feeling dizzy and nauseated.... how is your diet? Do you check your blood pressure when this happens? How is your glucose?
The tachycardia... Are you having panic attacks?
Are you taking any other meds regularly? Even something over the counter, vitamins, or anything herbal?
Are you using alcohol or other recreational drugs?
Do you get plenty of rest? Are you abnormally stressed about anything? Are you depressed? Seriously, mental issues can have very real physical aspects.
You likely dont have leukemia. ALL of your blood counts would be seriously abnormal by this time if you did. If you seriously think you do, demand a bone marrow biopsy, but you may have to pay cash out of pocket, as most insurance wont pay for such an expensive proceedure without a real reason. (
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what is mild lymphocytosis?
Prevention of development of mild lymphocytosis
A condition in which the blood contains an unusually high number of normal lymphocytes. Too many lymphocytes, a finding that may be a marker for infection or disease. lymphocytosis (lym·pho·cy·to·sis) (lim”fo-si-to´sis) excess of normal lymphocytes in the blood or in any effusion.
acute infectious l. an acute, benign infectious disease of children characterized by an excess of normal small lymphocytes in the blood without lymphadenopathy or splenomegaly, and with varying degrees of clinical expression and constitutional response.
lymphocytotic (lym·pho·cy·tot·ic) (lim”fo-si-tot´ik) pertaining to lymphocytosis.
lymphocytotoxicity (lym·pho·cy·to·tox·ic·i·ty) (lim”fo-si”to-tok-sis´ĭ-te) the quality or capability of lysing lymphocytes, as that of cytotoxic antibodies in the presence of complement or that of primed histoincompatible cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
lymphocytotoxin (lym·pho·cy·to·tox·in) (lim”fo-si´to-tok”sin) a toxin that has a specific destructive action on lymphocytes.
lymphoduct (lym·pho·duct) (lim´fo-dəkt) a lymphatic vessel.
lymphoepithelioma (lym·pho·epi·the·li·o·ma) (lim”fo-ep”ĭ-the”le-o´mə) a pleomorphic, poorly differentiated (transitional cell) carcinoma arising from modified epithelium overlying the lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx; it has a high frequency among young adults of East Asian extraction. Called also lymphoepithelial carcinoma, Schmincke's tumor, and Regaud's tumor.
lymphogenesis (lym·pho·gen·e·sis) (lim”fo-jen´ə-sis) the production of lymph.
lymphogenous (lym·phog·e·nous) (lim-foj´ə-nəs) [lympho- + -genous] 1. producing lymph. 2. produced from lymph or in the lymphatics. (
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My blood result was that i have low RBC,platelets&WCC + lymphocytosis + 2% atypical lymphocyes.Is that normal?
RBC was 3.8 (N 3.9-5.6), WCC was 4.3 (N 4.5-12.5), platelet was 102 (N 150-400). My neutrophil was also low 36 (N 47-67). But my lymphocyte count was high 56 (N 25-45). I've read about aplastic anaemia and my result suit the picture. But the cause of this anaemia is various. The 2% atypical lymphocytes of reactive form makes me worry about leukaemia. What should i do next? (N=normal values)
atypical lymphocytes are exactly that... atypical.
I have seen this sort of blood picture with viral illnesses much more commonly than with leukemia or lymphoma.
Talk with your doctor about it. He/she should have more information by the time you see them.
Admittedly, you do have (slightly) low Red cells, white cells AND platelets... but the clinical picture is the most important thing here, and your doctor should be the one diagnosing this (
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what is lymphocytosis?is it curable?
plz guys help me wid dis!my grandmum's gt this disease...
Lymphocytosis is an increase in the number of lymphocytes in the blood. Lymphocytosis conventionally refers to a lymphocyte count greater than 4000 per microliter, however the number may be higher in infants and children. It is common in acute viral infections, including glandular fever, but it may also be seen with intracellular bacterial infections, such as in tuberculosis. The malignant blood disease chronic lymphocytic leukaemia can cause a massive lymphocytosis, as can other leukaemias. In hairy cell leukemia, the presence of substantial numbers of hairy cells in the blood stream can cause lymphocytosis. Lymphocytosis, preceded by leukopenia, is also seen in the Icteric Phase of a viral hepatitis infection.
It is certainly treatable and curable, but you should get hold of a good doctor and have timely treatments. No purpose will be served by worrying unnecessarily and you have to attend her immediately. Wish her a speedy recovery. - (
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