FAQ - pericarditis, tuberculous
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If you've just been told you have pericarditis due to a viral infection what questions should you ask your dr?

I dont even know where to begin but thanks to everyone who suggests things I need to ask the dr.

Having had it 2 years ago, I guess the main things are what I wanted to know at that time, although in my case it wasn't diagnosed until very late, by which time my heart rate was up to 170 and I became an emergency!

What does the operation to cure it consist of?
Will the operation be under a local or general anaesthetic?
How long am I likely to be in hospital?
Will it ever happen again?
Has my heart been weakened?

Rather than me giving the answers, you should ask your doctor.  (+ info)

how can diagnosis of chest pain of acute pericarditis than chest pain of acute myocardial infarction?

PAIN OF MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION : it is precipitated on exertion and is relieved on taking rest. History of easy tiredness is also present. When pain starts it is in chest or epigastric region radiating to left arm or jaw.
PAIN OF PERICARDITIS: there is history of some heart problem and it is PRECIPITATED ON BREATHING MOVEMENTS. Usually dont radiates  (+ info)

My grandfather had tuberculous, we had to take pills for years. why do I still test postive?

I was 5 of 6 at the time he had tuberculous, now I am 44. What does that mean. My brother and sisters were effected as well.
We spend a lot of time at my grandparents.

you are prob a carrier.....  (+ info)

I think I may have Pericarditis can someone help?

I have had chest pains for a while, but nothing was ever major, but this one has been reoccuring constantly. The reason I think its Pericarditis is because when I lean forward the pain goes away, and when I lay down It worsens, the same goes for when I take deep breaths. Should I tell someone or does Pericarditis resolve itself....plz help....
the wierd thing is that it feels like its under my RIGHT lung, and no where near the heart...

You need to tell someone. Pericaditis is an inflammation around the heart and if it gets too bad the heart will not be able to contract like it should and your blood pressure will drop. Look up Becks triad on the internet. If these 3 things are present upon your exam you will need further evaluation.  (+ info)

Why are the pathologic conditions peritonitis, pleurisy, and pericarditis all accompanied by pain?

In medical terms anything that ends in '-itis' means swelling. So with swelling comes pain.
Pleurisy is swelling and fluid on the pleura of the lung lining which is a step down from pneumonia.
Hope this helps and have a great day/night.
K  (+ info)

Pericarditis might have :(( should i see doctor tell parents?

I took a little test online where you say the symptoms and what it might be and it told me pericarditis, and it sounds like i might have it cause it's in the area it said and all the symptoms match. Should I check into seeing a doctor about it, and telling parents cuz i dont like to talk to them about that stuff?

What are you feeling that makes you think you have this condition...its not usually what one thinks of when they have a sore chest...


if you really feel unwell speak with your parents...yes you should see a doctor.  (+ info)

how can differentiate the chest pain of acute pericarditis than acute myocardial infarction?

Its important to know what to expect when you have pericarditis, which is the swelling of the sac that surrounds the heart. You may experience chest pain, but with a MI you could feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest, may experience tingling in the arm, pain in back, etc. Do a little research on both MI and pericarditis, and don't be afraid of talking to your doctor  (+ info)

at what earliest age tuberculous meningitis is known to occur?

i dont think theres an age limit - but they do have the shot for it now so make sure you get it.  (+ info)

how to differentiate tuberculous bone lesion in spine from metastatic ones on Tc 99m MDP bone scan?

In our setting large number of active bone lesions on MDP bone scan are wrongly labeled as metastatic. Can we improve the specificity of tuberculous bone lesion on radioisotope bone scan?

That is difficult, but i know in our clinic, mets is usually called when a lesion is found else where in the skeleton as well as the spine or skull. If there is a couple of lesions in the ribcage area and nowhwere wlse, our docs take the time to research the patient history and call it from there. And, if still unsure, then they will recommend a follow up.  (+ info)

What are the early systoms of Tuberculous?

  (+ info)

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