FAQ - personality disorders
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Personality Disorders?

Do teenagers ever get diagnosed with personality disorders?

Personality disorders have their onset in late adolescence or early adulthood. Children are not diagnosed with personality disorders because their personality is still developing. However, when someone is diagnosed with a personality disorder (in late adolescence or early adulthood) it is often apparent that the person has been exhibiting certain behaviors/charachteristics of the disorder SINCE childhood. Make sense? :)  (+ info)

personality disorders?

okay, so i'm doing a biology project on personality disorders, and i was wondering if anyone knew any information i should use on my poster.

Any thing about them would be great.
anything like diffrences between them, or interesting studies that have been done. Anything that will make the project more interesting and have better information.


Try a search on www.nami.org ( National Alliance on Mental Illness ) there is a lot of Information there that should be useful to you.  (+ info)

Personality disorders?

Okay heres the thing, I'm not trying to be like all gloomy but I suffer from Depression, Bi-polar disorder etc..

Most days it won't affect me much but like whenever someone talks bad about me or something happens in my life whatever the case I get really depressed and apathetic losing my appetite and everything about my personality and care factor drops to zero.

So almost everyday I'm depressed but when it gets to apathy I just don't know

See I used to cut myself to feel if I was still breathing or beat myself up..people wonder whats wrong I can't explain properly to them its a range of things, can anyone help?

talk to a doctor get help you can feel better  (+ info)

How many personality disorders can a person have?

I am just curious,l how many personality disorders can one person have? Can someone have borderline, narcissistic, and paranoid personality disorders at the same time? Or more even?
I know some of them have qualities that relate somewhat but if the person meets the criteria entirely for more than one of them do doctors diagnose them with multiple disorders?


A person will only be diagnosed with on personality disorder. If they have traits of several they will be diagnosed PD NOS or given a cluster diagnosis.
A person that has both Borderline and Narcissistic traits is most likely an anti-social PD.  (+ info)

What do you all think of personality disorders?

A lot of people think they may have personality disorders, But when it comes to doctors, they make a careful diagnosis. In actualality, people's symptoms fit in to a bunch of different "labels" Do you agree that doctors may be over diagnosing people with personality disorders?

I have many years of experience as a therapist in the mental health field and can affirm the reluctance of insurance companies to authorize treatment for personality disorders. However, in most reports I see, the presence of a personality disorder is noted if the clinician believes it's there.

I don't see clinicians as prone to either under or over diagnose personality disorders, but I am sure there are some practice settings where that happens. Bottom line is that the DSM IV TR spells out the criteria for meeting the various personality disorder clusters, and you use those guidelines in making decisions. If the clinician is lazy and relies on instinct or impression to diagnose, rather than use the criteria, well, that's just not being very thorough  (+ info)

What are some differences between bipolar and borderline personality disorders?

I know that BP's tend to be in depressed/manic phases for a while, but BPD's tend to change moods frequently (rapid mood cycling). Many of the symptoms of these two mental disorders are shared, so what are some distinct differences between them other than what I mentioned?

Oh, and I do know bipolar is more of a mental disorder while BPD is more of a personality disorder.


Bipolar mood shifts do not have a cause....... they happen as the chemicals in the brain change but are not triggered by events. BPD rapid mood shifts are usually triggered by events, sometimes seemingly insignificant but triggering events none the less.

Bipolar is usually relieved by medication (because it is a chemical imbalance that can be balanced by meds) while BPD usually does not see an improvement through medication.

BPD has specific behaviors not usually seen in Bipolar - Black and white thinking, fear of abandonment, insecure sense of self, jealousy (usually related to the fear of abandonment), need for constant validation, etc.....

Both disorders are frequently seen together - Someone with Bipolar usually comes from a family that has other mental illnesses in it such as Bipolar parents, depression, schizophrenia. This can create a childhood environment where BPD can easily develop resulting in many people who have both disorders.  (+ info)

Is it possible to be committed for bipolar disorder or personality disorders?

I'm wondering what the good people in the medical profession would do with a young woman (18 so legally an adult) who has significant difficulty getting by in the world due to manic depression or any number of personality disorders. Is the protocol to store such people away or pump them full of psychiatric drugs? I find it most likely that they're totally ignored. Opinions, thoughts, insights?

It depends completely on the person. If they seek help they will receive help, if their families try to get them help they may get help. Taking medication (not as bad as you make it sound) is up to them, no one can force them. They may not get help because neither they or their family even realizes it's a problem. Society likes to ignore the fact that mental illness exists but on an individual basis everyone's situation is different.

As for being committed....... they can only be committed against their will if they are a threat to themselves (suicidal) or others (violent). The mentally ill have rights too. Prior to laws giving mentally ill people rights they were locked up in institutions and ignored.

The good medical profession can not go door to door trying to pick oout and help those with mental health issues....... those needing help need to seek it.  (+ info)

Are you born with personality disorders or can they develop over your lifetime?

Question: Can people born with personality disorders or can they develop over time?

I'm asking this because I found out that I might have Paranoid Personality Disorder on my own (no doctors) and I wasn't sure if my self-diagnosis is right. I think I developed it later because I haven't always had the symptoms.

Thanks a lot! :D

Personality disorders are a result of a combination of factors.
Borderline Personality Disorder is often found in people who have been sexually abused in their childhood, which is how the splitting first starts as a way of coping with the abuse.
However not every one who has BPD has any sexual abuse history.

In books I have read on what causes Personality disorders it always says its a combination of genetics, life traumas, childhood etc.

You need to see a psychiatrist if you think you have a disorder.  (+ info)

Is bisexuality and personality disorders somehow related?

Is bisexuality and personality disorders somehow related? The reason why I ask is because I've dated a few girls who had borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder. They were both extremely promiscuous, which is why i'm not with them anymore, and were very much into girls. They were all bisexual, but it seemed to me that a lot of them were more into girls than guys. They were all messed up in the head with their disorders and were always promiscuous and wanting to make out with girls all the time. Is there some relationship between personality disorders and bisexuality?

Bisexuality is highly correlated with borderline personality disorder specifically. BPD is characterized by identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self. Gender identification is one avenue in which identity disturbance presents.

One study found that 57% of consecutive male patients with borderline personality disorder who presented for psychiatric treatment at two distant geographic sites were homosexual. Homosexuality was 10 times more common among the men and six times more common among the women with borderline personality disorder than in the general population.

The above is in no way a judgment against bisexuality or homosexuality. Ambiguous or unstable gender identity is a benign symptom of the disorder and not a motivation for treatment.

The promiscuity aspect is of course less benign. Both disorders are characterized by volatile mood swings and inappropriately outgoing behavior. Borderline personality disorder is characterized by all-or-nothing thinking. An erotic target may be viewed as extremely attractive, and due to instability of perceptions, a former target may be suddenly devalued. Adding in a lack of a sense of boundaries, you have a formula for promiscuity. I haven't found any sources on the incidence of such behavior among borderlines and bipolars, so just because there's a formula there doesn't mean there's a high incidence of acting on it. So I'm hesitant to say this is a characteristic of either disorder. Given that it is happening in a subject, I would tend to attribute it to the disorder.

Bisexual women tend to lean more toward an attraction to men than women.  (+ info)

What do you think of people with personality disorders?

Especially disorders like narcissism and schizoid personality. Do you feel bad for them or are they just jerks?

I think this question is a judgment call. I agree with several of the posts on here. Personality disorders are illnesses as well--most people probably don't view it that way because they don't "SEE" anything physically wrong with most sufferers because it's not like cancer, chicken pox, or leprosy. No one has the right to judge anybody or just throw labels around. Some individuals may indeed use an illness or diagnose their own mental illness to their advantage, but that's not our call to make. I have bi-polar disorder, and we're all human beings. Just like if someone who doesn't have a mental illness has a bad day, we have them, too. Just because you are around people or work with people who have mental illnessness doesn't mean you know everything about the illness or what they're going through, nor does it give you the right to judge them...

So my final answer is that you have to wear the hat before you can determine the fit.  (+ info)

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