Any help in the relief of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy?
I had tendon surgery 6yrs ago July, and I am still on crutches! Was told my nerves didn't wake up after the nerve block, diagnosed with Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Already have an implanted battery for the pain, UMM NOT WORKING! Meds make me sick. Any natural cures for some relief out there?
cannabis sativa works well (
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Is Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome a disease or disability?
I would classify RSD as a syndrome that in some cases causes disability. A syndrome is defined as a set of symptoms (what the patient reports feeling) and signs (what the doctor can notice).
Many people also call it a disease, and I tend to agree with that. The only problem terming it as such is that nobody yet knows what the exact pathophysiology of the condition is. defines disease:
"1.a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment."
We know that, for some reason, the nervous system is "disordered" or "incorrectly functioning" in RSD/CRPS. What we don't yet know is exactly why. Someday, it may even turn out that RSD has different causes in different people. This makes sense, given responses of some people and not others to certain treatments.
Example: The classical explanation for RSD is that it is a malfunction of the sympathetic nervous system (hence the name). Some patients respond wonderfully to sympathetic nerve blocks (injections that numb the sympathetic nerve chain in a certain area of the body). Others don't respond to sympathetic blocks at all, yet still have all of the symptoms of RSD. It's possible that the same symptoms are caused by different malfunctions in the body. Right now, nobody really knows!
Although the symptoms of RSD/CRPS may be very debilitating and disabling, many people recover with treatment, especially if treatment is started quickly after onset of RSD. Others who aren't so lucky may become disabled, some severely so.
I've had RSD for over 12 years, and I don't consider myself "disabled" per se. There are some things I can't do, like go mountain climbing or run a marathon. But I do basically everything that most other people do. (
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Can Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy cause fatigue?
I'm 15 years old and i've had RSD for two years, and i've been falling behind in school because of sleep. I can't wake up in the morning and when i get home i sleep more and i can't concentrate in classes. I'm just always so tired, is that from the RSD?
Hi Nikki - For some reason my answers from before didn't come up so I'll try answering again...hopefully you got my direct message anyway.
I don't know that CRPS/RSD causes fatigue in itself - I think that it is more a secondary thing due to pain, broken sleep patterns, etc. Plus, I don't know if you are on any medications, but most of the drugs used for CRPS have some sedating side effects and if you take a higher-end dose (or even on a low dose if you are sensitive to them) they can really wipe you out.
You have my sympathies regardless - I went through school and five years of uni with CRPS and I know how hard it can be to concentrate sometimes. Is your school aware of what's going on? Can they make allowances - maybe allow you to take fewer classes or something like that?
Take care,
Loz (
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I need find out more info on Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. I also need to find a doctor that treats this.?
I need to locate a doctor close to Mississippi where I live.
A few good sites to check out for info about RSD/CRPS are
I would suggest beginning with your local university/research hospital in the neurology or pain management department or get a referral from your primary care doctor of who they would suggest going to. Good luck! (
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Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?
What is your pain on a daily basis (on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst), How are you dealing with your pain? What are some types of treatmetns that you've tried for your pain? What has and hasn't helped?
I'm 14 years old and am having a bit of a flare up with my pain, and was curious as to what other RSD/CRPS patients do to help with their pain? I have a Spinal Cord Stimuator (SCS) which helps, but I'm waiting to get reprogrammed, and am looking into some other treatments for my pain, and was curious as to what others have tried, and what has been helpful, etc. Thanks!
I have RSD and have been suffering with it for 25 years. The thing that helps me the most is deep tissue massage therapy. Nothing else works as well.
I also do the following: Take a hot bath with 2c. of dissolved Epsom salts. Soak for 30 minutes. The Epsom salts will help eliminate the lactic acid that forms on the muscles.
Massage an analgesic cream into the sore muscles. I find the best cream for pain is “Blue Emu,” You can read more about this cream at
Dehydration can cause severe pain in the muscles. I recommend you drink purified water mixed with mineral water 50/50. This will replace the minerals that are exiting your body continuously.
I suggest that adults and children drink 40 ounces of water per 100 pounds of body weight every day.
I take muscle relaxants when the pain becomes unbearable. I hope this helps you. (
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How do I help muscle contractions due to RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy)?
I take Flexeril to treat my contractions, but sometimes this is not even enough especially at night. I am trying potassium supplements now because I have heard that this can reduce the symptoms. I am getting ready to have a pain stimulator inserted that is made by Medtronic. Check out their site in the Internet. I am hoping to be able to stop most of my medications after this is placed. Good luck with your problem. (
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I need help finding treatment for Reflex sympathetic dystrophy?
Look under Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) at (
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Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy / Complex Regional Pain Syndrome?
Does anybody else out there have this condition?
I do, as you already know. I've had it since knee surgery when I was 14. I've lost almost everything to CRPS. I've had poor responses to almost all the treatments I've tried, and have too many side effects with most medications. I'm now on 400mg of tramadol & 60mg of baclofen. The only thing that has given me some relief is my spinal cord stimulator, and even that is not working nearly as well as it used to. I've spent every day of the last couple of months with pain levels of 8-9 out of 10 and I'm getting fed up. Add dystonia and severe muscle spasms (to the extent that I get muscle tears) to the CRPS pain, and it's far from a pleasant life...
I haven't been able to walk more than a couple of steps without crutches for over 18 months now due to the way it's deteriorating, and I've now got major problems with my hip & knee on my non-CRPS side. I can't remember the last time I slept for more than about 1/2 hour in one go, or the last time I slept for more than about 5 hours in an entire night. (
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would my reflex sympathetic dystrophy cause an high potassium blood result?
Hi Lynne - I'm not a doctor, but there's no reason I can think of as to why RSD/CRPS would cause high potassium unless (and I think the chances of this would be VERY, VERY low) you're on a medication that is causing you to retain potassium or something? (
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With proper exercise how long does RSD (reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) last in a arm?
i got diagnoste with RSD about 2 weeks ago but ive had it sense like 6 weeks, how long does it last? it is in my right arm,it started in my neck and slowy went down and we could see it going to with swelling. Please help!!!!! I wanna know how long it last with proper exercise and also some good exercises
You will need more than exercise, have you seen a doctor to get this diagnosis?
Treatment and recovery
If identified early, RSD is treatable.
Treatment is aimed at controlling pain, enabling the person to regain or improve the function of the affected limb, and providing emotional support.
In early stages, a course of steroid tablets have been shown to be effective, reducing inflammation and bringing pain relief. Nerve blocks are also effective - these are injections of local anaesthetic into the affected nerve (if one can be identified).
A number of other medicines may also be used to relieve symptoms, including painkillers and drugs such as amitriptyline, which is most commonly used to treat depression but can treat nerve pain too. Other drugs that may be prescribed include gabapentin.
Make sure you see the appropriate specialist. Talk to your doctor. (
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