FAQ - splenomegaly
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What causes Splenomegaly and cyst to pop-up around the spleen?

Impression of CTScan:

I feel very healthy at 29, every organ were all ok, except for the mass in my upper abdomen. I need help from doctors,please give me an answer. Thanks!

well ... there are many causes of spleenomegaly ...
most of them are due to:
1- Infections by viruses mostly , parasitic and bacterial( like hepatitis, cytomegalovirus, ...etc
2- Hematological(blood diseases)
3- neoplastic( different types of cancer)
4- inflammatory conditions ( arthritis, sarcoidosis, ...etc.
5- Liver diseases and portal hypertension
6- Some types of anemia .
7- poisoning with some drugs and chemicals ...
8- many other different causes

so mostly it depends also ... on your general condition, age, sex, and Specially associated signs and symptoms ...
like :
a- fever
b- bleeding disorders
c- arthritis
d- increase or decrease weight , plus abdominal shape and size changes
e- Anaemia
f- Discomforts and affecting the respiration and digestive system
g- many other manifestations

but mostly in your case you have cystic appearance with calcifications ... so it is confined to few groups ... but this is not enough to reach the diagnosis ... i hope you will ask your specialist .to go on with other tests and examinations to reach the definitive diagnosis
i hope it would be a trivial thing

Good luck , and hope you all the health  (+ info)

What could cause mild splenomegaly without fatigue, fever or anyother signs?

Could splenomegaly be caused by an insect bite? I had a mild fever for 2 days and pain and swelling in my spleen a week or so before my normal blood test, and abnormal ultrasound (still showing enlarged spleen). What could be behind that?

One of the causes of an enlarged spleen is parasitic infection such as malaria. Be sure to bring this up with your doctor.

Enlarged spleen causes vary, including:

Viral infections, such as mononucleosis
Bacterial infections, such as syphilis or an infection of the heart's inner lining (endocarditis)
Parasitic infections, such as malaria
Cirrhosis and other diseases affecting the liver
Various types of hemolytic anemia — a condition characterized by premature destruction of red blood cells
Blood cancers, such as leukemia and Hodgkin's disease
Metabolic disorders, such as Gaucher's disease and Niemann-Pick disease
Sometimes pressure on the veins from the spleen or to the liver cause an enlarged spleen. A blood clot in a vein from the spleen or to the liver can have the same effect."

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/enlarged-spleen/DS00871/DSECTION=3  (+ info)

Is there splenomegaly in Sickle cell anemia?

I was wondering if there is splenomegaly in sickle cell anemia as there in other hemolytic anemia.

Yes. Part of the function of the spleen is to remove old or abnormal red blood cells. Sickle cells are abnormal, so when there's a lot of sickle cells, the spleen becomes overloaded causing splenomegaly.  (+ info)

Why might one present signs of splenomegaly and cardiomegaly in cases of sickle cell disease?

rocken- The reasons are both mechanical. In sickle cell disease (SCD). the sickle cells (SC) abnormal shapes are trapped in the spleen which normally disposes of old red cells. In SCD, so many abnormal shapes are trapped in the spleen that the greatly increased number of red cells causes the spleen to enlarge early in the disease. The SC also tend to clog small capillaries and blood bessels. This causes added stress on the heart to pump harder, and enlarges the hard as it tries to meet body needs.  (+ info)

I am suffering from splenomegaly and enlarged prostrate gland ,any DOCTOR please inform me the medicine name a

Most splenomegaly cases are treated with a splenectomy; but this cannot be determined as viable until you know what caused the splenomegaly.

There are several medicines associated with lowering the size of the prostate, but some of the causes of splenomegaly CAN (rarely) have an effect on the prostate.  (+ info)

Would it be safe to have sex with my girlfriend who has Splenomegaly caused by CMV?

Always, always, practice safe sex. Use a condom. Splenomegaly is just an enlargement of the spleen, but CMV is a member of the herpes family.  (+ info)

Please, can any one tell me the name of technique of examination for splenomegaly in huge ascites.?

Examination for splenomegaly in huge ascites.

Pronunciation: bal-ot-mon[h]′
Maneuver used in physical examination to estimate the size of an organ not near the surface, particularly when there is ascites, by a flicking motion of the hand or fingers similar to that involved in dribbling a basketball.  (+ info)

Bad effects or side effects of Splenomegaly?

Its not very well know but my mum has got it and we are trying to find out the bad effects of it through any websites so please if you have any websites that contains Splenomegaly effects i would be really greatful

yesw  (+ info)

my father have splenomegaly.Is any possible way for him to do to lessen the pain when his spleen hurts?

he can take tramadol,  (+ info)

how can splenomegaly cause leucopenia?10 points for the most detailed answer?


Spleen enlargement; Enlarged spleen

Splenomegaly is an enlargement of the spleen beyond its normal size.


The spleen is an organ that is a part of the lymph system. It filters the blood and maintains healthy red and white blood cells and platelets.

Because of its wide variety of functions, the spleen may be affected by many conditions involving the blood or lymph system, and by infection, malignancies, liver disease, and parasites.

Symptoms of splenomegaly include:

Inability to eat a large meal
Pain on the upper left side of the abdomen

Infectious mononucleosis (EBV or CMV)
Other viral infections
Parasitic infections
Cat scratch disease
Bacterial infections
Diseases involving the liver
Cirrhosis (portal vein obstruction, portal hypertension)
Sclerosing cholangitis
Wilson's disease
Biliary atresia
Cystic fibrosis
Hemolytic anemias
Hemolytic anemia due to G6PD deficiency
Idiopathic autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Immune hemolytic anemia
Hodgkin's disease
Other causes
Sickle cell splenic crisis
Felty syndrome
Home Care

Appropriate limitation of activity, including avoiding contact sports, will help prevent trauma that might cause the spleen to rupture.

Care will be required for the specific condition causing the splenomegaly. Follow the instructions given by your health care provider regarding appropriate care.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Although often there are no symptoms from an enlarged spleen, you may experience pain in the left upper section of your abdomen. You should seek attention from your doctor right away if it is severe or gets worse when you take a deep breath.

What to Expect at Your Office Visit

The physician will ask a series of questions to determine if you have symptoms either from the enlarged spleen or the underlying cause of the large spleen, such as fever or signs of an infectious disease.

The doctor will also perform a thorough exam of your abdomen. To check for an enlarged spleen, he or she will percuss (tap) along the left upper quadrant of your abdomen and palpate (feel) in that same area, especially just under the rib cage.

Diagnostic tests may be required, including:

Blood tests such as a CBC
Tests for suspected causes
Abdominal film or CT scan  (+ info)

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