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Someone to care for your pets in case you cannot be there or you become
ill. Keep your pets up to date on vaccines and have a copy of your pets’
vaccine records in case they need to go to a shelter.
Pets’ veterinarian name and phone number.
Plan Ahead for Special Situations

Children in child care centers or schools – Most schools and child care
centers have emergency plans and practice fire, earthquake and tornado
drills. Make sure the child care center or school has your current work,
home and cell phone numbers and e-mail address. Be sure to ask:
 How parents will be contacted in an emergency.
 What steps will be taken to protect your children.
 If extra water, food and first aid supplies are stored on site.
 How the school plans to keep exposed children away from other
 Where the children will be taken if they must evacuate.
Work – Check with your employer about work policies and emergency
plans. Make plans for your family if you have to go to work.
People with special needs – Wear a medical alert tag or bracelet that
lists your health care needs. Make a plan for someone to help during an
emergency. This person will need to get into your home and know how to
provide care.
For those who are living at home, keep extra medicines and
For those who need dialysis or other life-sustaining treatment,
know the location of more than one facility where you can get care.
For those who are living in a special care center, the facility should
have an emergency plan.
Safe shelter – If there is an emergency where poisons are in the air, you
may be told to stay inside. Turn off all furnaces, air conditioners and
fans. Close vents. Close and lock all doors and windows. Listen to the
television or a battery powered radio for information.
Pets – Make a supply kit for your pet that includes food, water, medicine,
a carrier, leash and litter (for cats). Be prepared to bring your pet with
you, or to have someone care for your pet. Keep your pets’ vaccines up to
date and keep their tags on their collars.