FAQ - Reperfusion Injury
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How to lose fat with an ankle injury?

I have a permanent ankle injury from football, so running type of cardio is out of the question. Im trying to burn a fair amount of fat, which has accumulated over the years cause of my extremely sluggish metabolism. Any suggestions for things that will work for burning fat quickly?

This will help, its a video of how to do it. Step by step

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IC505rXDbpQ  (+ info)

What is the best treatment for a groin injury and how long does it take to heal?

Groin injury that occurred on a weight machine for the inner thighs. The equipment malfunctioned and quickly threw my legs out, pulling the muscles in my thighs, groin,and my lower back. I can hardly walk, it hurts bad. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Give it at least two weeks. You are already fit, so it should not take longer...Ease into working out again.

I threw my back and knee out on a machine..ow.  (+ info)

What is the initial treatment for a head injury?

If a person is alert, talking and has no visible signs of injury. Does anything need to be done?

Beyond contacting EMS a head injury patient who is alert needs no active care, but should be monitored until EMS arrives. Keep the patient seated or laying down resting and be prepared for possible vomiting. While waiting you can do some basic things-
- Any other injuries?
- Medical information such as medications?, allergies?, doctor?, etc
- Background info such as what happened?, alcohol/drugs?, etc
- It's also important to note if there was any initial loss of consciousness- time after injury and duration.

Also you can do some basic mental status evaluations by-
- naming 3 items then testing recall at a later time
- checking pupils
- checking the individual's orientation to- person, place, and time
- general symptoms such as vision changes?, dizzy?, nausea/vomiting?, etc

Do not leave them alone in case they go unresponsive and be prepared to protect their airway should they vomit. If you have to leave them alone (i.e. call 911) then place them in the recovery position and return ASAP.

- David  (+ info)

What is the worst injury you have ever had?

What is the worst injury you have ever had or worst injury you have ever seen?

I was using my sewing machine when I accidentally got my finger stuck in the path of the needle and it went right through my finger and got stuck in there. Doctor had to cut my finger open to get it out because it wouldn't pull out.

Last year I fell off a book case and the corner of the bookcase got jammed into my knee... I couldn't walk for a while. and earlier that same year I cut my leg on barb wire.

When I was little a cracked my head open on the edge of the fireplace, burned my leg on my dad's motorcycle, and almost cut the tip of my finger completely off. Thank God the doctor was able to stitch it in place.  (+ info)

How long does an injury like this hurt?

I had a spiral fracture of my lower leg, which was repaired with surgery. I now have a stainless steel plate and 8 screws (because I tore all of the tendons). The injury happened in February, with the surgery a week later. It was extremely painful at first. Now it is not as bad, but still uncomfortable, especially during rainy weather or in the cold. It hurts enough all the time that I am aware of it, either throbbing or tingling or sharp, shooting pain.

If you've had a similar injury, how long did it take before it quit hurting?

I haven't had QUITE the injury that you've had (although several of my patients have), but I have had ankle surgery recently...in December, actually.

It is not uncommon for patients with either arthritis ir bony surgery (like you've had) to notice an increase in symptoms with certain weather conditions. Some people can actually predict when rain is coming based on their symptoms (my Mother and I are among these). Barometric pressure on the joints has a lot to do with this. The nerve endings on the joints have receptors that can sense pressure changes. Heat and cold can affect how people feel, but the nerve endings on the joints have receptors that can sense pressure changes. Heat and cold can affect how people feel, but with achy joints, it has more to do with pressure.

Sadly, there isn't anything you can do to make this go away...but you CAN help the symptoms. Keep your leg elevated when you are having these symptoms. You can also apply moist heat (either with a most heat heating pad, which you can buy from any drug store, or with a wet rag that you put in the microwave until it's hot), or try soaking your leg in an Epsom Salts soak...you can get Epsom Salts at any food or drug store for little cost. Use about 1/4 cup per gallon of water.

If your symptoms aren't alleviated by the above, talk to the orthopedic surgeon that did your procedure. He or she may have more insight than I can give you...considering that I don't know the placement of your plate, or the angulation of the spiral fracture.

Best of luck to you!  (+ info)

What are the effects of drinking with a brain injury?

Well i have a Frontal Lobe Brain injury.I'm 19 and i want to start going to bars with my friends.I feel no urgue to drink and i personally do not like it at all, but i feel pressured into it as EVERYONE i know does it even people i never expected.I feel if i dont do it that i am a loser,especially being 19.So what are the effects of drinking with a Tbi?

The disinhibition from the alcohol may be even more pronounced with a frontal lobe injury. It could be very, very risky, indeed. Drinking alcohol with your TBI would be foolish, to say the least. The people that are pressuring you are the "losers" - not you! If you want to participate socially with your friends at the bar - go ahead. Simply order a soda and leave it at that. You owe them NO explanation whatsoever - other than the fact that you are mature enough to make your own decisions.

Hang tough,
~M~  (+ info)

How long does sciatic nerve injury last?


I run quite a bit and have recently suffered an injury in my right leg. The pain is never in one spot and it tends to hurt more while walking and any other physical activity. It is worse some days other than others, but I have had this for about 2 weeks now. I love running and want to get back into it, but I am not too familiar with this type of injury. How long does this usually last? Should I still try to run on it?

No, don't try to run on it. I suffered a bulging disk between lumbar 4 and 5 by doing too much running on the jogging trail and got sciatic pain. I did lunging exercises to help, took Aleve when necessary, started taking 100 mg. of Vitamin B6 daily to strengthen nerve insulation (by recommendation of my chiropractor) and bought a Teeter inversion table so I could perform spine decompression to release pressure in the lumbar region of my back. I got relief after a few weeks.

Teeter inversion site:

http://www.teeterhangups.com/home.html  (+ info)

What would make some self-injury scars obvious and others not? How do other people perceive them?

I was wondering exactly how obvious it is to people (those who self injure and those who don't) when an injury is self-inflicted. What makes something obvious or not? How much more obvious would a self-inflicted injury be to another person who does that? I appreciate seeing different people's perspectives.

I find cuts pretty easy to tell. Usually, they're pretty straight and organized. And, of course, sometimes multiple. But I don't know the difference between accident and self harm in things like burning.

I am a cutter. Have been for a while. I previously asked a question that actually has a picture of mine, but they're slightly graphic. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with your question, but, for the most part, serious cutters (not the whiney/emo/attention-seeking ones) generally look one specific way, is my point.

I don't wear long sleeves all summer long. This isn't because I'm not self-conscious about it, or because I want people to see...but more just because long sleeves are so uncomfortable and HOT... I mean, I enjoy swimming and things like that, so I make that sacrifice... unfortunately, I am asked alllll the time about "what happened" to my arms and shoulders and legs and everything... I always hoped I would just get used to it, but I never know how to reply...  (+ info)

How long does it take to heal a meniscus injury?

Its not a very serious injury, although it has made me walk with a limp. It hurts to bend my leg. Also I feel pain on the right side of my knee and on the back of my knee.

a few weeks to a month, depending on how bad of course.  (+ info)

What causes a rib to separate from the sternum without injury?

My husband has a rib (I think it is the 5th) that appears to be pulling away from the sternum on the left side. You can actually see the displacement. He has pain with movement and with palpation. He has had no injury that he can remember. No popping or cracking. I have seen where a sneeze or cough can cause a pop followed by severe pain. This doesn't seem to be the case with him. It has me a little freaked out.

basically the ligaments (the parts which hold the rib in place) are too loose and do not hold and support the rib. but here is something i ve found on the net which is worth reading if u need medical help .

In many cases a rib slips out of place because the ligaments that hold the ribs to the sternum, the sternocostal ligaments, are weak. Without muscles to hold the ribs in place, loose ligaments allow slipping of the rib which causes further stretching of the ligament, manifesting itself by producing severe pain. The loose ribs can also pinch intercostal nerves, sending excruciating pains around the chest into the back. Sternocostal and costochondral ligaments refer pain from the front of the chest to the mid back. Likewise, costovertebral ligament sprains refer pain from the back of the rib segment to the sternum where the rib attaches.

Traditional medicine believes the condition is caused by inflammation in the costochondral junction causing costochondritis. The treatment of choice in traditional medical circles is NSAID, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Chronic pain, no matter what the cause, is not due to a NSAID deficiency. Slipping Rib Syndrome is caused by weakness of the sternocostal, costochondral, or costovertebral ligaments. Prolotherapy will strengthen these ligament junctions in all the areas where the ribs are hypermobile.

Slipping Rib Syndrome may be caused by hypermobility of the anterior end of the costal cartilage, located at the rib-cartilage interface called the costochondral junction. Most often, the tenth rib is the source because, unlike ribs one through seven which attach to the sternum, the eighth, ninth, and tenth ribs are attached anteriorly to each other by loose, fibrous tissue. This provides increased mobility, but a greater susceptibility to trauma. Slipping rib cartilage may cause no pain or only intermittent pain.

Slipping Rib Syndrome is also more likely to occur in the lower ribs because of the poor blood supply to the cartilaginous tissue and ligaments. Injury to the cartilage tissue in the lower ribs or the sternocostal ligaments in the upper ribs seldom completely heal naturally. The sternocostal, rib-sternum, and costochondral joints undergo stress when the rib cage expands or contracts abnormally or when excessive pressure is applied on the ribs themselves.

In order for the rib cage to expand and contract with each breath, the costochondral and the sternocostal junctions are naturally loose. Humans breathe 12 times per minute, 720 times per hour, 19,280 times per day, which stresses these ligamentous-rib junctions. Additional stressors include any condition that makes breathing more difficult.

A simple coughing attack due to a cold may cause the development of Slipping Rib Syndrome. Conditions such as bronchitis, emphysema, allergies, and asthma cause additional stress to the sternocostal and costochondral junctions. Even sinusitis, with the associated nose blowing can be the initial event t hat leads to chronic chest pain from Slipping Rib Syndrome.

Other causes of Slipping Rib Syndrome include the feared "fall asleep in the back seat of a crowded car syndrome." A person falls asleep in a crowded car with the door handle jutting into a rib. The rib slips out of place and the problem begins. Another cause of Slipping Rib Syndrome is the result of surgery to the lungs, chest, heart, or breast with resection of the lymph nodes which puts a tremendous stress on the rib attachments because the surgeon must separate the ribs to remove the injured tissue. Unresolved chest or upper back pain following a thoracotomy, chest operation, or CPR is most likely due to ligament laxity in the rib-sternum or the rib-vertebral junction.

The ribs are attached in the front, as well as in the back of the body. A loose rib in the front is likely also loose in the back. The rib-vertebral junction is known as the costovertebral junction, and is secured by the costotransverse ligaments.

Unexplained upper back pain, between the shoulder blades and costovertebral, rib-vertebrae pain, is likely due to joint laxity and/or weakness in the costotransverse ligaments. (Chronic chest pain, especially in young people, is often due to weakness in the sternocostal and costochondral junctions, and chronic mid-upper back pain is due to weakness at the costovertebral junction.

Both conditions may lead to Slipping Rib Syndrome where the rib intermittently slips out of place, causing a stretching of the ligamentous support of the rib in the front and back. The result is periodic episodes of severe pain and underlying chronic chest and/or upper back pain. Prolotherapy, by strengthening these areas, provides definitive results in the relief of the chronic chest pain or chronic upper back pain from Slipping Rib Syndrome.

Visit Benuts Nutritional Supplements for any of the nutritional products listed in the article above.   (+ info)

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