FAQ - liver diseases
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How do you get yourself checked for cancer or diseases?

Stories like people who were totally fine being suddenly diagnosed with cancer and such scared me so much...
Sorta gets you to think that it can happen to anyone.

I'm really getting paranoid, especially since I'm feeling some pain sometimes inside. Moreso because I went to a clinic some weeks ago and the doctor told me my liver wasn't in such a good condition.

Oh, btw. I don't smoke or drink or anything like that (although I do get second hand smoke from my dad occassionally)

I supposedly can't digest flour products too well (although I didn't know) and some of my organs are having to waste more energy taking care of that.

You need to relax... Sounds like you've got a case of OCD, not cancer. Talk to a doctor about these feelings.  (+ info)

I recieved my blood test back and it showed an abnormal liver funtion test result?

What could be the causes of this? My doctor is following up with me within the month, she told me it wasnt anything that we need to worry about dramatically at this stage. What diseases cause an abnormal result in the liver function test?

There are a number of causes of a liver problem...
see if any of these apply to you:
alcohol consumption, medication toxification,
chemical exposure, fatty liver disease,
mushroom poisoning, auto immune disease,
hereditary conditions like the body holding
onto too much iron or copper,
biliary obstruction/malformation/infection,
cardiac/vascular problems, metabolic
disorders such as the liver not producing
a certain hormone or handling glucose
efficiently, cancer/tumors/growths/cysts,
and there are others.

No one blood testing is 100% accurate.
The doctors usually do more than one
set of tests to determine the accuracy
because so many things can effect
the results of these tests.

The blood tests the doctor does on
patients for the liver are:
1) the liver enzymes
2) the liver function tests
3) the liver viral tests
4) the liver cancer tests
Each of those mentioned have a number of
different types of tests included under that
heading. However, if you place...for
example: "liver enzymes" in your search
engine...it will give you sites that tell you all
about them.
Here is one link I use very often:

Liver function tests is a general term and can
mean the liver enzymes. There is only one
specific liver enzyme and that is the ALT test
as it is an enzyme that is made mostly by the
liver cells...the other enzymes, such as
the GGT, AST, ALP are found in other places
in the body. It takes all of the different tests
above to detemine a true liver problem unless
the doctor does film testing like an ultrasound,
Ct scan or MRI. They usually reserve a
liver biopsy until they believe someone truly
has a liver disease...because it is invasive.

All these causes of damage to the liver cells
can lead to the disease known as Cirrhosis of
the liver.

If the cause can be found and stopped and
any inflammation that has been developed in
the liver is treated...there is a good chance the
problem can be reversed. It is only when the
cells start to die off and form scar tissue
in the liver, that there really isn't
anyway to reverse it.

Hope this is of some help ...Best wishes  (+ info)

what is the difference between hepatitis A, B and C? these r all liver diseases but why a, b, c?

The disease hepatitis has been known since ancient times. The first virus isolated which was proven to cause hepatitis was named hepatitis B (HBV), it was the cause of serum hepatitis ( Blood transfusions, needle stick and needle sharing.) It was isolated in 1963. In 1973 hepatitis A virus was isolated, it tends to be spread from contaminated water (HAV). In 1989 hepatitis C was isolated. It is spread sexually and from blood exchange.(HCV) Hepatitis Delta virus was found in 1978, ( HDV),but it was discovered in 1990 that it only occurs in conjunction with hepatitis B. In 1990 hepatitis E virus (HEV) and in 1995, Hepatitis G virus (HGV), were identified. Hepatitis F is though to exist, but has not been isolated.  (+ info)

What types of foods can cause cancer or other diseases?

I've been reading articles that tell about some foods that can prevent or cause cancer. I don't know if they are true. So, does grilledchicken,fries,hotdogs,hamburgers,ham,liver,sausages,fried chicken,pepperoni pizza,soy, undercooked meats,onions,garlic,cafeteria food,egg rolls,chicken nuggets,salad,barbecue cause cancer?? Help!

Cancer can be triggered by all sorts of factors. We all have the potential to develop it. It can be brought about by certain cancer triggers or carcinogens , Barbecuing or charcoal roasting food particularly meat a lot can be a carcinogen , smoking, drinking to excess, excessive consumption of meat, GMO foods, Exposure to Nuclear waste, living near an nuclear power plant,genetic pre disposition etc, etc. (I personally don't eat meat at all or smoke) but breast cancer runs in my mum's side of the family . Just enjoy your life honey, please don't worry about cancer. Worry is another carcinogen .
Just don't do anything to excess. Unfortunately I don't think we can avoid our lives being touched by cancer or the heartache and suffering it causes. All we can do is hope for a cure in the future.

On the plus side look for food containing lycopenes, they can help to prevent cancers, two examples are fresh tomato's and tomato ketchup!

Best regards, hope that helped.  (+ info)

What could elevated liver enzymes mean in a newborn besides liver disease?

My 2 1/2 month old son has had elevated liver enzymes since birth. We saw a liver specialist today and he said he doesn't think it's any kind of liver disease, but could be other things. Only he didn't explain what the other things are.

A liver specialist would be a hepatologist. (A gastroenterologist deals with the entire digestive system) It may not be a liver problem but could be a biliary problem. The liver makes bile that flows through tube like structures, known as ducts, under the liver to the gallbladder and then to the intestines. The bile helps emulsify the fats we eat so they can be digested.

These problems comes to mind:
Biliary atresia where bile ducts are absent or injured, causing bile to back up into the liver. Congenital Biliary cysts, or cystic fibrosis.

However, in some cases, some patients have elevation of these enzyme levels and it is normal for them.

There are different hereditary liver diseases, but you said it wasn't the liver...however, here is a listing of some of them:
***Hemochromatosis (abnormal iron accumulation )
***Wilson's disease (abnormal copper accumulation in the liver).
*** Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency which is the absence of this specific enzyme in the liver
***Galctosemia is a rare genetic disorder that hampers the body's ability to process the sugar galactose. Fructuse intolerance
***Urea cycle defects (ornithine carbomoyltransferase deficiency)
***Glycogen storage disease where there is an inability to properly utilize sugar.
....Amino acid disorders[tyrosinemia),
---Bile acid disorders
....Carbohydrate disorders (eg fructose intolerance, galactosemia,)
....Lipid disorders (abetalipoproteinemia)
Inherited diseases interfere with the way the liver produces, processes and stores enzymes, proteins, metals, and other substances.
....Phenylketonuria is a rare condition in which a baby is born without the ability to properly break down an amino acid called phenylalanine. It is inherited...both parents have to pass on the gene.

The liver enzymes are made by the liver cells. The one liver enzyme would naturally be elevated and that is the Alkaline phosphatase...since the child is growing and this is elevated because of the growth of the bones. The doctor is probably also looking at the liver functions tests ( Bilirubin, Albumin, INR, Pt, Ptt) and also the viral tests for hepatitis A,B,C,etc. To look up these tests and the liver enzymes (ALT, AST, GGT, and Alkaline Phosphatase), here is a link to click on:

Don't be afraid to ask questions to your son's doctor...you are paying him for his advice, diagnosis, and time. He may not know, without testing being done, exactly what the problem is off hand. When he gets the results of all testing back...he will then be able to give you more information and a possible diagnosis. I will tell you that he is probably having more blood testing done and will compare it to the first set...as blood testing is not always 100% accurate and many things can affect these tests.

I hope this information has been of help to you. Best wishes  (+ info)

can the liver heal itself of certain diseases?

The liver is capable of regenerating from injury if it isn't to severe, however a disease process is completely different, and usually requires adjunctive therapy to suppress or kill. No, liver cannot heal itself from disease.  (+ info)

What are the causes and symptoms of Liver Cysts and Cystic Fibrosis, and what are the treatments for each?

Does anyone know how these two inherited diseases start, show and can be cured?

Cystic Fibrosis:
Causes and Risk Factors of Cystic Fibrosis
In 1989, researchers found the defective gene (called delta F508) that causes CF. This gene disrupts a protein (called cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator - CFTR) that causes the symptoms of CF.

CFTR is made inside the cells (lining the glands) in the respiratory passages, and the small intestine, pancreas and sweat glands. CFTR travels to the cell's surface where it controls the flow of salt (sodium) in and out of the cell. In CF, the CFTR protein is abnormal in a way that prevents it from reaching the cell's surface. Without this flowing process, salt is trapped inside the cells. The body tries to compensate by overproducing bodily secretions such as water, sweat and mucus. These secretions then build up in the body to cause the symptoms of CF.

Symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis
The pattern of development of CF and the severity of its symptoms varies among individuals. The disease is sometimes obvious soon after birth, but some cases of CF, they are not detected for months (in infancy) or years (in childhood).

In babies and infants, the symptoms of CF are:

persistent diarrhea

bulky, foul smelling and greasy stools

pale stools

frequent wheezing or pneumonia

chronic cough with thick mucus

salty-tasting skin

poor growth

blockage of the intestine (called meconium ileus)

abdominal swelling




In children, the symptoms include:

frequent respiratory infections



difficulty in breathing

abdominal pain and discomfort


fast respiration

flaring of the nostrils

poor appetite


poor growth

a barrel-chested appearance

CF can also cause other medical problems, such as:

sinusitis (inflammation of the nasal sinuses)

nasal polyps (fleshy growths inside the nose)

clubbing (rounding and enlargement of fingers and toes)

pneumothorax (rupture of lung tissue and trapping of air between the lung and chest wall)

coughing up blood

enlargement of the right side of the heart (called cor pulmonale)

protrusion of the rectum through the anus (called rectal prolapse)

liver, pancreatic and gallbladder problems

delayed puberty

reproductive abnormalities (especially male sterility) - Over 90 percent of all males with CF are sterile.

Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis
Currently, there is no cure for CF, but there are treatments for the symptoms of CF, such as lung and digestive problems, hepatic (liver) and biliary tract (gallbladder) diseases, and infertility.

Liver Cysts:
What are the causes of a cyst?

Cysts can arise through a variety of processes in the body, including:

"wear and tear" or simple obstructions to the flow of fluid,



chronic inflammatory conditions,

genetic (inherited) conditions, and

defects in developing organs in the embryo.

Sometimes you can feel a cyst yourself when you feel an abnormal "lump." For example, cysts of the skin or tissues beneath the skin are usually noticeable. Cysts in the mammary glands (breasts) also may be palpable (meaning that you can feel them when you examine the area with your fingers). Cysts of internal organs such as the kidneys or liver may not produce any symptoms or may not be detected by the affected individual. These cysts often are first discovered by imaging studies (x-ray, ultrasound, computerized tomography or CAT Scan, and magnetic resonance imaging or MRI). Cysts may or may not produce symptoms, depending upon their size and location.

The treatment for a cyst depends upon the cause of the cyst along with its location. Cysts that are very large and result in symptoms due to their size may be surgically removed. Sometimes the fluid contained within a cyst can be drained, or aspirated, by inserting a needle or catheter into the cyst cavity, resulting in collapse of the cyst. Radiologic imaging may be used for guidance in draining (aspirating) cyst contents if the cyst is not easily accessible.

If there is any suspicion that a cyst is cancerous, the cyst is generally removed by surgery or a biopsy is taken of the cyst wall (capsule) to rule out malignancy. In certain cases, aspirated fluid from a cyst is examined under a microscope to determine if cancer cells are present in the cyst.

If a cyst arises as part of a chronic medical condition (for example, in polycystic ovary syndrome or fibrocystic breast disease), treatment is generally directed at the underlying medical condition.  (+ info)

What type of liver disease or kidney disease makes people smell from sweat?

Just asking, cuz I know a person whos has liver illness, and smell from the liver damage.

and how can you make the liver better, do u have to change your diet?
she only 16, she had it since she was a lil kid, i dont think she was drinking.

stop boozing...

.  (+ info)

What does “fatal liver disease” mean on a TV commercial on a certain medication?

What does “fatal liver disease” mean on a TV commercial on a certain medication?
On a TV Commercial, when they advertise about a certain drug and its side effect being one of them as “fatal liver disease”, does it mean, you’ll die from liver cancer or scirrosis?
Then, why take the drug? Then, why did my doctor prescribe it?

Most all medications, after they enter the body,
go to the liver first to be broken down before
going to the rest of the body. The liver
is a wonderful organ that can take toxins and
change them into non toxic forms, also.

All medications have side effects and warning
on them. The patient doesn't always see
these warnings, that the druggist is given, as
an insert on these medications...if they did,
they would never take any of them. The
doctor has to decide if the benefits of
taking the medication outweighs the risk.
The doctor also knows the patients medical
background and if their body chemistry is
okay to handle the drugs. It is best that
any medications a patient takes is cleared
through the doctor first; this includes over
the counter, herbs, herbal teas, vitamins,
and minerals, etc. Many drugs can interact
with other drugs including prescription drugs.

Some drugs are harder on the liver than other
ones are (therefore they contain these warnings).
If a drug is taken in excess of the prescribed
amount or taken with something like
alcohol or grapefruit juice...it can cause the
drug to go toxic in the body and then cause
damage to the liver cells. Once the liver
cells become damaged, then the patients
immune system responds to the damage in
the body and causes inflammation to develop
in the liver. Normally, this inflammation is
to help the body stop any bacteria, virus,
or other foreign things that enter the body from
reaching other areas of the body. However,
now the inflammation is inside the capsule of
the liver and causes the liver to enlarge in
size. Once this happens the cells of the liver
can become so stressed that they start to
die off. When they do this, the dead cells
cause scar tissue to develop in the liver and
then it turns into a progressive disease known
as Cirrhosis of the liver. This is what they
mean by fatal liver disease. The public
is becoming more aware of the dangers that
are involved in taking these medications,
but also it is scaring them.
The drugs companies do extensive research
and testing on all drugs on the market. That
is what puts the costs of the drug up so high.
It may take years to develop the drug and
then do all of this before it is even approved
for public use. They have to list all their findings, even if it is just one patients reaction
out of thousands that has taken the drug.

As long as your doctor is prescribing the
medication or recommending this medication,
it should be okay for you to take. You can
even ask him about side effects or even
talk to the druggist about the medication you
are on. The pharmacies have on their
computers a system that show if one drug
interacts with another...they even give patients
printouts to read about each drug they take.
So many people don't read these print outs
but they should. It is almost impossible to
cover every side effect a patient may have in
the doctors office.

Fatal does mean that it could lead to death,
since the liver isn't an organ, like the spleen
or gallbladder is...where you can remove it
and still live.

I hope this information is of some help to you.  (+ info)

How do opioid analgesics cause coma to patients with liver disease?

I know opioid analgesics are metabolized by the liver therefore they wouldn't be metabolized properly in people with liver disease. But how does this lead to coma? HELP!

maybe you should ask your doctor that question  (+ info)

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